"Your secret's safe with me"

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A bottle of Bordeaux, vanilla candles and Epsom bath salts.

Usually, everything Maura needed in case of a crisis to calm herself down, but today it wasn't working. Even her favourite scientific journal was getting on her nerves. She dropped it by the tub she was in and closed her eyes, quietly sighing. Too exhausted to concentrate and too stressed to sleep.

A knock on the bedroom door made her jump in surprise.

M: "Yes?"

A: "Can I come in?"

M: "Oh! I guess so, but I'm in the tub"

Angela came in and made her way to the suite's bathroom, sitting on the toilet.

A: "So, what's the plan for tonight?"

M: "I didn't know I had to prepare one. Is something happening that I forgot?"

A: "No, just thought we could both use a girls night out"

M: "Angela, I'm sorry. I'm not in good spirits today"

A: "Then, we stay inside and watch a movie. Haven't you been saying you wanna watch that Kevin Costner movie?"

M: "Yes, I suppose we can do it. We can also order some pizza"

A: "Done! I was with Frankie and Jane today"

M: "How is she?"

A: "I've heard what happened this morning"

M: "Jane's way of dealing with the grieving is to express strong negative emotions towards the people closest to her. It's a very common copying mechanist"

A: "That still doesn't make it right. I'm gonna call her and make her apologize "

M: "Please, don't. I'm afraid that would make things worse and have her turn on you"

A: "Maura, you're like a second daughter to me. I don't like to see you this way"

M: "What way? I'm fine, Angela. There's really no need to worry"

A: "I live with you. I can see what's going on"

M: "We should be focusing on Jane right now. She needs it the most"

________________________________________________________________________________Maura always had problems with personal space and her expressing feelings. Maybe she was born that way, or maybe she learned it from observing her parents. Monkey see, monkey do. Everyone's guilty of it to a certain extent, no matter how high their IQ might be. But now there she was, sitting next to Angela with her head against her shoulder. If there was something Jane taught her during the past years was, undoubtedly, how to feel more comfortable with the human touch. Before her, the only people she dared to have psychical contact with were exes and one night stands.

A: "That Costner is really a hunk!"

M: "I must agree; he was quite good looking."

A: "What do you mean 'was'?!"

M: "Well-"

Gently laughing and with Angela offended by the remark, the doctor gets interrupted by the bell.

M: "I'm not expecting anyone. Did you call someone?"

A: "I'll get it"

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