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With heels clicking on the floor while spreading the smell of hot coffee and greasy bacon through the lobby, Maura tried to look for Jane before heading to the morgue.

Worried about what had happened during the weekend, she tried to convince herself everything was fine. Surely, her friend wouldn't still be so upset, right? It was all her fault. This was precisely why she didn't like to speak impulsively. Lately, her emotions became so overwhelming that she couldn't even recognize her actions anymore. Covering how insecure and anxious she felt, the doctor sat on Jane's desk, crossing her legs right in front of her sight. Maura placed the paper bag on top of the paperwork the detective was reading and gave her one of the coffees. Then, she started drinking hers, gaining the courage to speak to a very puzzled Jane.

M: "I got you one of those disgusting bacon things you like."

The doctor got tense when she realized her friend was staring at her legs. While the glare lasted, she felt naked; without understanding, if she felt more embarrassed or lustful. Either way, this was the last place she wanted to feel any of that.

M: "I'm sorry. I've been quite frustrated lately. Not that there's any excuse for my behaviour. I shouldn't have burst on you like that."

J: "It wasn't that bad. I overreacted."

Jane took a sip out of her coffee. Moaning, she took some more.

J: "Oh, Maura. This is really good."

M: "I know how you like your coffee."

J: "You do...I...We're having a family lunch on Saturday. It would mean a lot if you came."

M: "Do you want me to bring anything? I can cook if you want."

J: "Just bring yourself over."

M: "A bottle of wine, it is!"

J: "No, Maura. Don't bring anything."

M: "Well, I want to."

J: "Ok."

Jane chuckled and shook her head. The doctor jumped from where she was and started composing her skirt, quickly realizing her friend was staring at her legs, again. Slightly blushing, she leaned gently against the desk, hoping the detective kept looking; hoping Jane would touch her even if only by mistake. Hoping for a shift to happen and make her fantasies came alive. A girl could always dream...

The detective cleared her throat, bringing her friend back to reality. Abruptly, realizing where she was, Maura flushed harder in regret.

M: "I'll be downstairs if you need me."


Maura had been staring at the DNA results for at least half an hour, without actually paying any attention to it. Since she caught her friend looking at her legs, she couldn't focus nor think of anything else. Something she hadn't felt in the last months was now felt stronger than ever. She had to have her. It was driving her crazy. The doctor went as far as trying to avoid Jane on days she believed she wouldn't be able to control herself. And last night, she ran until her legs couldn't sustain her anymore, only to suppress the urge to call Wendy for a quick and temporary solution. The doctor murmured and placed her head between her hands, in a failed attempt to concentrate.

F: "Maura!"

Frankie ran into her office and shut the door behind him, walking towards her.

M: "Hey! How was the date?"

F: "I think Jane's announcing the engagement tomorrow."

M: "What? Don't be silly."

F: "I mean it, Maura."

M: "It's too soon. Don't worry about it."

F: "I really mean it."

M: "Look, I know you're worried, and I'm...it's too soon. She would've told me something."

F: "I guess...How's Wendy?"

M: "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean."

F: "The girl sent you flowers, Maura."

M: "I...I texted her on Monday."

F: "That's good!"

M: "No. No, it's not."

F: "You must've texted her for some reason."

M: "I was weak and made a stupid mistake."

F: "Did you..."

M: "No!"

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