chapter 1 - i'm gonna regret this

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"hey mara! come here, i gotta ask you something. " blaise says smirking. "what is it dumbass" i respond with a sarcastic, bigger smirk. "i need you to follow me" he gently takes my arm and quickly takes me a long way around the castle, after a while we reach our destination. 

"potions class? what is this blaise?" "i need you to drink this" he hands me a small bottle with a fluid that smells like-
"don't smell it" he says seriously. i make a confused face and bring the bottle down to my chest. "okay i need you to drink this when i tell you to." 

then i hear some commotion outside. "tRaiNinG For The BallEt PoTta" 

it's malfoy. ugh why is HE here.

i look over his shoulder to see malfoy quickly walking in, he looks mad. blaise catches me looking at him and says "alright just forget he's here" "forget who's here?" malfoy says, slowly walking towards us. "please leave malfoy" i try to say as politely as possible. i don't wanna get him angrier, not now at least. i'll have to admit it's funny making him angry, but i wasn't in the mood now. i was worn out from running around the castle like a lost tourist in new york city. 

"awww is blaisy and garner (my last name) having a wittle date?" he says in that dumbass baby voice he does. he knows it makes me angry, and that's probably why he does it so often. "draco, please leave we're trying to do something" blaise says, malfoy's eyes stare at us, searching for answers maybe. then i see his eyes stop at my chest. (🤭) "a potion huh? well go on, drink it" "no not yet i just have to-" 

"excuse me." shit. it's snape. good thing we're in slytherin he'll probably just give us detention and move along. "shit" malfoy says under his breath. he walks towards snape and quietly explains what's going on, and blaise does too. here's my chance.

i brought the bottle up to my nose and i smelled.. apples? and cologne? ew what kind of potion is this... then i look at the board, "amortentia. the love potion. lasts 24 hours. drinker will find that the potion smells like their soulmate, even if soulmate is unknown at the time." green apples? cologne???? who the fuck smells like that?

wait, is blaise trying to get me to drink this so i could fall for him?? but it only lasts 24 hours.. he must need it for something. 

no. i won't drink it. frankly, i'm a bit offended they would think of me so stupid i would fall for it. i bet malfoys involved in this too. shit. i should switch it with another potion or something so i don't drink it. i quickly scan the tables looking for some potion.. i look in on of the drawers. felix felicis. liquid luck? that's such a difficult potion why would it be here... oh well. i'd rather be lucky then in love!

i quickly switch out the potion and wrap my hand around the smaller bottle, to hide that i'm holding a completely different bottle. just in time, lover boy and paper face are walking back, (those are my nicknames for them 🥰) i see them both smiling. hmmm. 

"what happened?" i say. "oh nothing, snape thought we were up to no good." blaise says. he's been awfully nice around me recently, he's usually pretty uptight. "so then how did you get him to leave? did one of you flash your man boobs for him?" i laugh, they both got mad, but i could see malfoys lips curling upwards. he thought it was funny. hm. guess you can start calling me comedian of the century! 

"okay drink it now" blaise says as he pushes malfoy aside, almost behind him. they're definitely trying to get me to fall for him. i drink the potion and it tastes.. really bad. i cough and close my eyes. i feel a hand under my chin bringing my head up. "try not to throw the potion back up garner." malfoy. 

i'm gonna regret this. 

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