chapter 18 - fuck you malfoy

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TW: su*cide and self-harm (hi, this chapter has strong themes, so if you're uncomfortable, feel free to skip it!)

i walk down the hallway and go upstairs out of the dungeons (yes the common room is in the dungeon, idk why). i see harry. idk if he'll know where blaise is, but might as well ask him. "harry!" he turns around, surprised. "yes?" "by any chance, do you know where blaise is?" "umm i think i saw him going to the potions classroom actually." "oh okay thank you." i smile at him and go back downstairs, to the potions classroom. 

"blaise!" i see him sitting on the ground, kis knees up and his head down. "blaise?" he was silent. "blai-" i see his arms... they aren't cleaned at all. "blaise what happened?" his head stays down. "malfoy cleaned my cuts, i'm sure he can clean yours." he looks up at me. his eyes were puffy and eyes were cold. "blaise. tell me what's happening." he slowly shakes his head. "i can help you.. just tell me what you need." he tilts his head slowly. i hear people outside the classroom, his head snaps to the door. i turn around and see malfoy. ugh. what does he have to do with this. i glare at him. malfoy sees blaise and his face looks sadder. i look confused at him. he stays, looking at blaise, and says "garner, please leave." what? i was the one to find him why should I leave??? "what? no." "garner please." what's happening?? "just go please." shit. what happened? i get up and walk out quietly. i sit down beside the door and wait. i try to listen but i can barely hear anything, because they're speaking very quietly and the doors at hogwarts are thick as fuck.

after some time, malfoy opens the door at lets blaise go back to the common room. i look at him, he's serious. "what the-" "shh come with me." he takes my hand. ew. "let go of me." he rolls his eyes and doesn't take his hand off. dude. he takes me to the field. the weather was nice and breezy and the sun was setting. "sit" he pushes me down. ouch. i glare at him. "watch yourself malfoy." "shush. let me explain." i roll my eyes and stand back up. "a few days ago i told blaise some very... private information and he told me some too." "private?😀" "not like that dumbass." i laugh. "it was personal.. i trusted him." he looked down, shaking his head. "so what happened???" "the next day a bunch of filthy mudbloods were laughing at me, talking about the thing i told blaise." "oh shit." "i was so angry.." his fists clenched, "i told a bunch of people about his problem and he got furious when he found out that i told everyone." "so? payback right?" "no, he swore he never told anyone." "oh shit." he nods solemnly. "well what did you tell everyone?" he stares into my eyes for some time, deciding whether or not you should tell me. he sighs. "fine. but DONT tell anyone else okay?" "yessir." i smile. "his father killed himself."

my face drops, i feel myself get pale. "oh my god." he nods. "the cuts? on his arm?" he says quietly. "oh.." i feel tears threaten to show in my eyes. the cuts on his arm reminded him of that. "oh my god.." wait. "hold on. so you told EVERYONE about that? i thought it would be like he made out with pansy or god knows... that's so messed up." "IM SORRY. i was mad." "well MAYBE you should work on that, because that's so fucking messed up dude." "HEY dont come for ME, you would've done the same thing." "no i wouldn't dude. you're sick." i turn around to start walking back, "HEY! I THOUGHT YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND." i turn around and look straight in his eyes. "i do. i understand you're an asshole. i thought you were getting better dude. i was trying to be nicer to you. now i realize i shouldn't have even talked to you in the first place, because you'r-" "mara," malfoy says desperately. " don't 'mara' me, you know what you did wrong. don't drag me into this mess you made yourself." i start turning around to walk away until i turn back, "fuck you malfoy." i leave him deserted and desperate in that empty field. 

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