chapter 27 - the end :)

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tonight's the night. at 1 am tonight, malfoy and i will sneak out to the astronomy tower to do who knows what. i feel butterflies in my stomach. what if he just pushes me off the tower? or what if he brought his friends to laugh at me. god.

i put on a white cami top and black corduroy jeans. i roll up the bottoms of the jeans put on my white canvas shoes. i put on some eyeliner in my waterline and mascara on my eyelashes. i also put on some chapstick.. with winter coming, my lips need it rn. i see the clock change from 12:56 to 12:57 am. should i start going? i don't wanna be early. but i said not to be late. alright. i grab my giant blue sweater and carefully open the door. i peer into the common room. no ones there, great!

i head out and walk towards the exit when i hear someone behind me. "spiders! there were spiders!" i turn and look at ron weasley standing with his eyes closed. he must be sleepwalking and talking. i walk towards him, place my hands on his shoulders and whisper, "you tell those spiders to get away from you!" he nods sleepily, "yeah, i'll tell those spiders." i walked him towards his dorm and close the door. man that kid is hilarious. once he fell asleep in class and yelled out "AHHHHHHH" and then continue peacefully sleeping. he got 2 weeks detention for that HAHAH. hermoine was really mad at him for that. idk why tho.

anyways! i walk out into the hallway outside the common room, and walk to the astronomy tower. what's weird is that, i haven't seen malfoy at all while walking there. is he gonna be late? what if he doesn't even show up? i fiddle with the straps of my shirt, and shiver. ah yes, that familiar feeling reminds me of freezing my ass last year. winters coming. yay 😀.

i get to the tower and look around, checking if someone is here other than malfoy. and to my surprise, no one was there, not even malfoy. great. he fucking ditched me. i curse under my breath and turn back towards the door. "not so fast." and there was malfoy, standing at the doorway. his shoulder was resting on the side of the doorway, and his feet were crossed. he wore a cocky smile on his face and his hair was gelled slightly to the sides. he wore a tight black shirt and fancy pants. "i never knew you wore something other than that dumb uniform," i say walking to him. "hmph, well you don't know a lot of things." i glare at him. he chuckles it off and sticks out his hand. i look at his hand and back up to his eyes. i stare for a moment, and take his hand. then quickly he pulls me closer to him. oh shit that was smooth. i instinctively place my hands on his chest, and feel his hands wrap around my waist. UMM PLS. 🦋.

i chuckle, trying to avoid how awkward this could get at any moment. he smiles at me. "do you need something?" i say laughing. he continues staring into my eyes. after some time he says, "alright! let's go!" "what? where?" "anywhere and EVERYWHERE!" he says. he takes my hand and pulls me to the potions classroom.

"potions?" "how we met, remember?" this is awfully romantic for malfoy... "ah yea, how could i forget? when you tried to get me to drink a love potion to fall in love with blaise." he rubs his neck. "heh.. yeah." well we didn't meet there, but it was the first time talking to eachother lol. "well what are we doing here?" he grins and takes out a bunch of ingredients. what do these do? i examine all of them, and then realize these won't make a potion. we used these ingredients once when snape wasn't here and it created a bunch of "bubbles!" malfoy yells, practically in my ears. ive never seen him this happy tbh, he's always cold and mean. he quickly pours all the ingredients and a huge explosion of bubbles go everywhere. this'll be fun. i gasp and start laughing. there are some many bubbles i cant even see where he is. i feel hands on my waist pulling me back. "i-" then he throws a HUGE handful of bubbles in my face. i spit any bubbles in my mouth. "you just messed with the wrong bitch!" i grab bubbles on the floor with both arms and throw them at his head. "OH!" we start throwing bubbles at eachother, handful after handful. we both giggle as we slip around trying to get more bubbles. i go to pick up more bubbles, when malfoy tackles me. not AGAIN.

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