Chapter six: The Ponds Dock

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Goodness, Fall is already here. I awoke in my new queen sized bed feeling well rested, I yawn and had a big stretch. I walk out into kitchen that I was still surprised I had, I made some coffee and headed outside, the cold autumn air was different here then in the city, cleaner definitely.

I finished my coffee and watched as my sprinklers did their work, I heard crunching footstep apoch me, it was Maru.

"Hey girl! Up for some star gazing tonight?" Maru and I have become really great friends, our love of stars has definitely bonded us.

"Isn't it Friday? Why don't you come to Saloon with Leah and I?" I told Maru as I began to plant some pumpkins.

"Hey now, I've told you, alcohol and I don't mix!" She placed her hands on her hips.

"You do know, Stardrop does serve food and non-alcoholic beverages?" I said while I patted down on my overalls.

"Well still, I don't like it ooone bit, maybe if you get married I'll consider it." She smiles and winks.

"Ookay what is it now?" I spoke to her while I began to plant some cranberries.

"Oh ya knoow, you and Shaney~?" Maru said in a flirtatious voice.

I crushed a seed that caught me completely off guard. "Hey now! Shane and I barely even talk, we just hang out at the Saloon together every so often and thats it!"

"Uh huh, then whats with the letters he keeps sendin' ya hm?" She tilts her head over to my mailbox, I had a new letter.

I glared at her. "Its probably not even from him Maru!" I walked over to the mailbox and open it... It was a lettet from Shane.

"Well, whos it frooom~?" She said slowly creeping up behind me.

I had to get out of this somehow. "Ah ha! Its from Leah telling me to make sure to met her at the Saloon tonight!" I stuck my tongue out and hid the letter behind my back.

"Really? Lemme see then." Maru said, crossing her arms and smirking.

We stared at each other for a few good seconds then... I ran.

"LEMME SEE YOU RAPSCALLION!!" She ran after me while I used my scythe to defend myself.

Maru did eventually catch me and find out it was Shane who sent me the letter, she teased me about it then left.

I shook my head and looked at the letter again, it was a recipe for pepper poppers, yum. I was about to put the note in my pocket when I saw something on the back, I flipped the letter over and it read.

"Okay this is kinda stupid of me to ask but can you met me at the Cinder Snap pond tonight?

He wants to met up? But its Friday, I guess I should met up with him, Maru isn't gonna be there to tease me, I guess I should go.

I didn't do much that day aside from pick out a cozy outfit to met Shane in, I looked over at the clock, 9:45. "Guess I should be going." I zipped up my Maroon coat and walked outside, of course locking my door.

I began to walk to cider snap forest, but I remembered what Shane told me, Jas is really his Daughter, what if this is what he wants to talk about?

I got pass the clearing and peeked around the corner to see that Shane wasn't there yet, I shrugged it off and walked to the dock where I took a set, I noticed the big creepy wizard tower, I have spoken to the wizard in there about the things I've seen in the community centre.

I hear footsteps slowly approaching behind me, I look behind me and see Shane with a case of beer.

"What's cookin' good lookin'?" I jokingly said to Shane, Shanes face flushed red and averted eye contact with me.

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