Chapter eight: Screw Destiny

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"Now this does not mean you guys can go to town on the liquor, don't even touch it!" Gus handed Shane the keys to the Saloon as I sat on the bars counter.

"Yeah yeah Gus we hear ya, have a Goodnight." Shane said as Gus left the door, Shane shutting the door behind him.

Shane put his back on the door and let out a big sigh.

"I guess we should get to work huh?" Shane said, walking over to the counter and placing his hands apon it.

I looked around the Saloon, it barely had a crim left in sight.

"Oooor we could-" I laid down on my stomach and reached over under the counter, I pulled a bottle of tequila. I shook the bottle in front of Shane.

Shane smirked and lifted himself on to the counter, he took the bottle right outta my hands, he popped the cap of the bottle and took a swig of the bottle.

He immediately choked and coughed up a storm. I burst out laughing, my stomach hurting. "Oh my Yoba Shane! You alright there!?" I wiped my eyes.

"Yeah... Yeah... Just... Hoe' my goodness, its been awhile since I've Tequil, used to beer ya know?" He pasted me the bottle.

"Well I was really used to those coolers till you got me drinkin' other stuff." I took a drink of the bottle of tequila, throat but the rush felt good.

"So what, we're just to drunks that get into trouble so we have to get community hours so we can drink?" Shane gives me a similar look, like the look of disappointment, my heart sank but that frown of his quickly turned into a smile, he took the bottle from me and took a drink from it, wiping his mouth.

"Ya know Susie, I like you more and more each day we talk." He laied his back against the counter and gave me the bottle, I smirk and scooted closer to him, taking a drink from the bottle and handed it back to him. I let out a big sigh and laid down beside him.

We just laid in silence, passing the bottle back and forth to each other, taking a sip each time.

The sound of the building creaky from the wind outside was the only thing that we could here, the fan up on the ceiling was spinning slowly, pushing a light breeze on us.

The silent was broken by Shane letting out a grunt and setting up, placing the half empty bottle beside him, I stood up as well, I stared at him for a moment.

"Shane?" I asked him, I haven't ever seen this look on his face, it was a look of worried and fear, I place my hand on his shoulder.

"You okay?" He hadn't replied, I pushed a tuff of hair behind his ear and he look at me, still not saying anything.

He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me closer to him, he lifted up my chin and rubbed his thumb against my bottom lip.

Again, I swooned, his eyes where so claiming and I couldn't help but move closer to him.

"S-Shane are... You okay?" I looked at his lips, a light shine on them from the tequila, he leaned his face closer to mine.

My heart racing, my whole body feeling all woozi, I felt butterflies in my stomach, I was dizzy then...

He kissed me, Shane kissed me.

I felt a jolt pass through out my whole body, I was tensed up, he was actually kissing me, it didn't feel like this was reality.

He broke away from the kiss. "I am now..."

My eyes shot open, and I felt a familiar fell around me, I immediately sat up and realized I was in my room, not the Saloon!

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