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Hope you enjoy! Also I decided to make this a regular book in the end. Have fun and ship Ivamity!

 "Come on, King!" a seven-year old hybrid girl calls out.

The demon named King attempts to catch the girl, but as she jumps on to all four limbs, gaining more speed, it is clear that it is in vain. The black and white bone demon puffs out heavy breaths, exhausted, meanwhile the hybrid is still unaware of her chaser's absence. Looking back to check if her father-figure was still following, she runs into another girl, this one with beautiful chestnut-brown hair. 

The brown-haired girl, who was now on the floor, asks "Were you just running on all fours?"

"Yeah, it's faster." the hybrid answers casually before continuing. "Anyway, my name is--" she's interrupted by King:

"Ivory! Where'd you go??" he calls to her from somewhere out of sight.

The brown haired girl giggles, making Ivory smile. The sun bounced beautifully off of the girl's face, illuminating her gorgeous golden eyes. Not even the other kids shouting in the park around them distracted Ivory from the girl's beauty. Ivory had to admit, she looked very pretty.

"My name's Amity. Nice to meet you!" the girl named Amity says.

However, before Ivory could respond, two adults come over, one with green hair and the other with hair just like Amity. Beside them were two kids, the same age with green hair like their mother. Ivory guessed the two were twins.

"Amity, what are you doing with this monstrosity!? Come play with these nice girls over here!" the mother lectured, dragging Amity away. The two shared a mournful look, and Ivory growled; she would not give up her new friend that easily. 

"Ivory! Ivory, wait up!" she heard King shout, and she hurriedly shushed her father figure. 

"Hush, King! I want to talk to that girl Amity girl again. She's nice, not like that pink bully Boscha." Ivory said to him. 

"Ooh, okay." King responded, attempting to follow the hybrid as she ran -- on all fours, again -- to the bushes closest to the brown-haired girl. 

But what Ivory saw made her freeze -- Amity's parents had dragged her to play with Boscha and her friends... the exact people she was trying to avoid. Ivory knew she needed a new plan. She sneaked over to Amity, throwing a pebble lightly at the girl. Amity turned, and upon seeing the hybrid, smiled enough to make Ivory run around the whole of the Boiling Isles 10 times. Making sure her family and 'friends' weren't looking, Amity crawled over to Ivory. 

"Hi!" Ivory greeted the girl.

"You came back!" Amity said, and now Ivory giggled.

"Of course, silly!" She responded before asking "Why are your parents so mean, anyway?", scrunching up her nose in disgust at the memory of Amity's mother's words.

"They want me to be little miss perfect and hang out with bullies like Boscha. I don't want to though." Amity answers.

"Then why do you?" Ivory asks seriously, neither girl taking notice to King's departure.

"I don't want to make them mad, I have to do what they say or..." the girl trails off.

"Or what?" the hybrid girl asks.

"I don't want to know." Amity admits.

"Okay, well I want to hang out still though." 

"But how?" At this, both girls stop to think.

"Where do you live?" Ivory asks, getting an idea.

"You see that big mansion on the top of that hill way over there? That's my home." Amity explains.

"That's close to my house! I live at the Owl House, heard of it?" Ivory exclaims in response.

"Owl House like where the Owl Lady lives?" Amity asks, slightly spooked.

"Yeah! The Owl Lady is my mom. But don't worry, she's super sweet, totally not what the big scary dude says." Ivory replies.

"Big scary dude? You mean the Emperor?" Amity questions.

"Yeah, Mr. Big Bad. Anyway, tomorrow I'll sneak into your window and find you!" Ivory says casually, her demonic tail wagging.

"Isn't that bad? Wait you have a TAIL???" Amity exclaims, fangirling internally. The hybrid hesitates.

"I-is that... bad?" she asks hesitantly.

"No way, it's awesome! Can I touch it??" Amity responds, and Ivory exhales.

"Of course! You can touch my horns too if you want. I look like this because momma needed something from King to make me." Ivory explains as Amity pets her.

"Who's King?" Amity asks before giggling at Ivory's purring.

"King is the demon that was here before. He's like a dadda, but not, so I just call him King. He calls me princess" Ivory giggles.

"Ooo I want to give you a nickname too!" Amity exclaims excitedly, and Ivory stops, looking up at the girl from where she was watching her tail.

"You do?" Ivory asks, tilting her head a little, her ears flicking at the tips ever so slightly. She tried to hide it, knowing her ears only twitch when she was about to cry, happy or sad.

"Yeah!! Why do you look so sad?" the girl had noticed anyway.

"No one has ever wanted to give me a nickname, or even be my friend, before other than my family." Ivory admits, smiling even as she sniffles slightly.

"Well I do!" Amity responds, pulling Ivory into a tight hug.

"I'm going to call you... Foxy."

TOH: Daughter Clawthorne (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now