~Chapter 1~

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Seven years later, I'm still climbing through my best friend's window. I don't always have to, just when her parents are home. They don't like me very much. The twins and I are cool though, especially Emira; they've taken a liking to me, as I have with them.


   I land softly on the roof of the Blight Manor, shifting from my beast form back into my normal form. Stealthily, I make my way to where I know Amity's bedroom is. I lay down on the slanted roof, poking my head over the edge so that I can see. I spot Amity at her desk reading Azura, and I tap on the window, catching her attention. As she makes her way over, I lift myself up and and gently drop down onto her windowsill. 

"Hey." I say as she opens her bay window.

"Hi." she smiles, but I can tell something's up.

"What's wrong?" I ask, hopping into her room. She sighs before answering, flopping down onto her bed. "It's just been a long day." she answers.

"Hm, I'm sure it's exhausting being someone your not." I hint, laying down on the bed beside her. She groans, looking over at me.

"Ivory, we talked about this! Titan knows what my parents would do if I was me, the real me." Amity reminds me.

"I know, I know... I just don't get it! How could they be parents if they don't accept their kids for who they are! They'd be pretty sucky if they threw you out, but... you could always run away to my house... there's always room..." I attempt to persuade, sitting up slightly to rest my head on my hand. Amity sighs.

"Ivory, no. I can't, you know why!" she responds. "I actually don't." I deadpan. She sits on that for a moment, most likely wondering why herself.

"You can't keep going on like this, Princess." I say, making her blush at the nickname.

"Seriously though, Am. This isn't good for you. You should be who you want to be, and you could! If..." I trail off, sensing I'm getting close to her line of patience. "I'm sorry. I just want you to be safe." I try instead, laying back down next to her.

"Thank you, but I'll be okay." Amity responds curtly, avoiding eye contact. We lay in silence as the sun begins to set, but it wasn't uncomfortable.

"I wish your parents made you feel safe here." I say at last, breaking the silence.

"I do t--" Amity begins to say, but is interrupted by the door opening viciously.

"I knew it! That demon girl is back!" Amity's mother shouts, and I scramble to Amity's open bay window. My instincts on high, I sense Mrs. Blight magic an attack.

I spin around to block it swiftly, jumping out of the window and transforming into my beast form before flying a ways away. Whew, that was a close one!  I sigh. I can't just leave her there, but I can't go back. I ponder.

Suddenly I get an idea.

I know just what to do. I realize, but the victorious feeling is soon overcome by fear as I see a yellow bubble begin to envelope the manor. I have to get her now. I panic, diving down to her room.

I really hope we make it out of this. I grimace, realizing just how risky this is.

I begin to spiral in the air, busting Amity's bay window back open. Taking the opportunity of Mrs. Blight's shock, I swiftly grab Amity from her mother's tight grasp and swing her onto my beastly back. With the mother no longer stunned, and now furious, I make a run for the window. I feel Amity grab tightly onto the feathery fur on my back, and I leap out of the window. Time felt as if it were going in slow motion as I sense the older Blight blast magic, and I did the only thing I could.

I turned, shielding Amity from the blast.

We did not fall, however, even though I could feel the scorch mark the blast had left on my side. I fought it, knowing we had a much bigger problem. 

"Uhhh, Ivory??" Amity says fearfully, alarmed as she notices the magic bubble closing quickly.

"We're gonna make it!" I shout back, knowing fully well how rare a chance there was of that being even remotely true.

"Hold oooooon!!!" I warn, spiraling up as the gap closes to only five feet.

"We're not gonna make it!" Amity screams. "We have to!"

...Suddenly everything goes black, then as my vision filters back in, blurry. This time we would fall, but I would make sure Amity was safe.

"Ivory, no!"


Dun dun duuun!

How was it? Exciting? Thrilling? Keeping you on the edge of your seat? I know, I'm kinda bad at the drama and angst, but I'm workin on it! Sorry for the cliff hanger, there will be a chapter two soon. 

How are you guys? Hanging in there? I'm managing surprisingly well.

Have fun, stay safe, and keep positive! Remember, six feet, wear a mask, wash your hands. The more people that do it, the sooner we an be out of this mess.

TOH: Daughter Clawthorne (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now