~Chapter 2~

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SURPRISE!! I updated quickly for you guys, so enjoy!

I gasp awake, sitting up sharply and immediately wincing and the pain.

"Ivory, you're awake!" Amity cries out, stumbling over to me with tears in her eyes. She hugs me tightly, and I grimace, taking a moment to look around.

We had fallen a good 200 feet in a pine forest. I figure we're a few miles from the manor, closer to the Owl House. Amity had set up a small camp for us. Suddenly my eyes light up.

"Are you okay, did you get hurt??" I ask, my voice hoarse, wincing again at my sharp movements.

"No, your protection spell for me worked. Are you okay? I tended to as many wounds as I could, but..." Amity trails off.

"I'll be okay, I can heal myself." I respond, using magic on the bigger wounds first. "I'm lucky I take secret classes, huh? They really come in handy." I say, sighing in relief as the pain eases.

"Yeah." Amity responds, her voice cracking. 

She turns away, and my ears perk. I hear her sniffle as she curls her legs up to her chest, and I crawl my way over to her.

"Come 'ere." I say softly, pulling her into a comforting hug as I rub her back soothingly. "Let it all out, it's okay. I'm not going anywhere." I tell her, and she begins to sob in my arms.

"I-I was so scared, I t-thought I lost you..." she sobs.

"Shh, it's okay..." I say before lifting her chin so her eyes met mine. "I'm a Clawthorne, I can handle anything. I'm not going anywhere, ever. I promise." I continue a she hiccups in my arms.

I wipe a tear from her cheek and pull her closer to me. I scoot back so we're leaning against a tree, and as she settles her head onto my chest, I hear the hiccups begin to slow. Holding her in my arms, I knew I couldn't be in a happier place. As her breathing deepens, I take a look around form where I lay. This time, I notice something I hadn't before: the tip of a house could be seen from the forested hill where we lay, but not just any house...

The Owl House! I exclaim in my head, sighing as I realize we're in safe territory, less than half a mile form the safest place I know, and love to call home.


Short but sweet, yeah? Hopefully this suffices your needs after the cliffhanger I gave you last chapter. I gotta say, I was VERY tempted hold this chapter off for like, a month, just to keep you guys in suspense BUT I DIDN'T, SO CALM YOURSELF.

And yah know, your welcome. 

Next chapter will be up within the next week or two. Stay safe, keep your distance, and wash your hands!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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