Good morning weirdness!

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Before we move onto the story... In this story the P n F group are in their teens. So perry is a little older than them. So is pinky. Perry and Pinky are 17, Phineas and Ferb are 15, Isabella is 14, Baljeet is 15 and Bufford is 16.

Perry's pov:

The sun was shining and the birds were chirping. The warm rays of the sun soothing my fur. As usual I was enjoying my nap under the shady tree in the backyard of my tiny masters. And right on my schedule, they came in through the sliding door and phineas told his usual catchphrase... " Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today! " 1...2...3...annnddd " Hey where's perry? " Noticing the fact that he didn't see me, I did my part of the day...


Then both of them turned around. " Oh, there you are perry! " Then both of them ruffled my fur , one hand on the head and one hand on my back. The ruffling was highly enjoyed by me.

You must be wondering why I was still in the backyard and not in my secret hideout which had uncountable entrances. aren't you? Well it's because today doofenshmirtz wasn't up to anything. Surprising much. While I was enjoying the ruffling, again according to my schedule , came in Isabella , as usual in her cute pink and white dress. And then came her catchphrase... " Hey phineas whatcha doin' ? " And again as usual she said it in the most soothing voice.

And I clearly know the specific reason why she does that. Well...everyone does. Then came in with buford and baljeet. I always felt sad for baljeet. But then what could i do? I'm just a platypus...i don't do much. I giggled to myself. As the group was talking I decided to get up and go somewhere else.

Just when I got up, I was tapped by a paw and then heard the voice that made me blush.... "Going somewhere boss?" I turned around and came beak-to-snout with an extremely pretty chihuahua. "Omg hi pinky!"

I noticed that Pinky was a male. But now he is a she in this story :)

How is it guys? I will write more for sure! But do comment on this, so i can change it and make it better just for you guys! 

Anyhoo, bye for now :)

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