A game of catch-and-catch

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Pinky's pov:

Omg that was soooooo good.

I mean the platypus you love, says Oh ItS oN~ In the sexiest voice. AAH. I'm dying here.

I was running around the backyard with Perry chasing me. I was literally yelling/laughing. "Omg PERRY STOP! HA HA HA!!"


Princess...That word echoed in my mind.

I suddenly stopped.

I turned around and saw Perry skid.

Perry's pov:

I stopped

Then pinky turned around with a dark smile. I got chills on my spine.I smiled sheepishly. She let out a really evil laugh and told,

"Princess? Seriously perry?"

I got scared now. Pinky snarled and shouted

"It's my chance to kill you now! HA HA HA!"

I let out a scream and started running.

Little did i know, i started smiling and soon i started laughing. So did pinky. We laughed the whole time, when I was running.

"Let's make this more interesting perry. Shall we?" Pinky said. I just put on a handsome smile. Then I turned around to see what she was doing...

She started running even faster. She ran so damn fast that I could see little tufts of smoke behind her legs.

Oof- this girl.

She brought the whole spirit out of me. "So that's how you wanna play? Huh?" I said. She just put on a gorgeous smile.

*(BTW, they are still running)*

I stopped. Then she stopped.

"He he he..." I smiled.

I lifted my hands off the ground.

Pinky's pov:

Oh gods...This platypus brought the soul out of me.

Just when we stopped, he lifted his hands Above the ground and then stood on his hindlegs. Just like the time he fights doofenshmirtz.

"Oof perry. You're on a whole other level" I joked.

He just laughed.He offered me a paw. I blushed.

I put my paw on his and then stood on my hindlegs.

"I'm gonna take you somewhere..."

"Omg really!?"


"YAY!...I MEAN- sure, whatever..."

He looked at me and laughed.

"You have a good sense of humour pinky!'

"He he he..."

"Ok now pinky, you go get ready now...And i'll also go"

"Ok! See you at...Um- 6 o' clock?"

"Sounds perfect! Ok then, see ya!" He smiled and waved me goodbye.

Of Course i did the same. OMG I COULDN'T BELIEVE THAT THIS WAS HAPPENING!! Gods...i was starting to sound like isabella. Nevermind that! I just had to get ready for perry. WAIT...i wanted to tell isabella about this...Geez..with great happiness comes great worryness.


OMG YA! Phineas had lended Isabella the animal undestaninator or so what it was called...whatever.

I saw isabella leaving the backyard. I rushed behind her. I barked. She turned around and said, "Oh there you are pinky! Guess what...Phineas agreed to spend some quality time with me! Eeek!"

Man, I never saw her this happy. Anyways...I barked out of pleasure and Nudged her to follow me.

Now...where did she keep the animal under- bla bla bla Nator? Oh wait, It's so obvious! The garage. I ran towards the garage. I could hear isabella shouting something. When she caught up to me, I motioned towards the gadget. Isabella just smiled.

Isabella's Pov:

Pinky motioned me towards the animal undestaninator...Or whatsoever it was called. Meh.


Hmmm...I smell a story here....Both Of them were running around like CRAZY. Mark my words. cRaZy. One was barking and the other was chattering like mad. HMmM...?

EEK. I already knew she liked Perry, it's just too obvious. Well, pinky doesn't know everything about me. He. He. HE.

I can understand the feelings of animals. I have a patch for it. Being a Fireside girl rocks. And another thing is...I know perry like pinky just the same. How do I know? I have my ways~

I didn't tell Pinky about the perry liking thing because...Everyone likes a dramatic love story? Don't they? I mean I don't want all those heart breaking stuff. I just feel like it's not the right time to tell her and perry.


I grabbed the animal undestaninator and zapped pinky with it.

I said...


Ha ha ha.

Pinky shot me a nervous look at me.

"Um- isabella? Did it work?"




"YESSSSSSSSSS!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSS!!Pinky you sound beautiful!!"

"Thank you sis! I mean- Isabella!"

"Omg pinky!I think of you as a sister too! You can call me sis from now on!"

"YAY" Pinky squealed. She's so cute.Im glad we adopted her.

"So um sis?"

"Yes pinky?"

"You know i like perry right?"


"So um- he- he..."

"Yesss?? Go on child"

"HE ASKED ME OUT!" Pinky slapped her paw over her mouth.

"Yes...WAIT WHAT!?"

She shyly turned away with a jerk.

"Can you approve of me going?Please?"

"CaN i aPpRoVe YoU To gO? Of CoUrSe i ApPrOvE oF yOu tO gO!"

Pinky leaped up and hugged me. Of course I hugged her back.

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