Everyone has secrets...Even animals!

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Phineas's pov:

I was petting perry, when isabella came in. As usual she looked astonishing. I had a crush on her since the event that happened in the trip to parris. I mean... she was amazing... the way she helped me realise i could do anything anytime. " Hey phineas! Whatcha doin' ? "

I woke up from my day dream and said "H-hey isabella! We were just d-deciding what t-to do."

Isabella was about to say something, but just then Buford and Baljeet stepped in... i mean buford came in with baljeet...Who was tucked under buford's armpits. " Hey guys!" baljeet chimed in. " Whatcha doin' " buford said in his gruff voice. Isabella scoffed and tackled Buford to the ground, which made Ferb,Baljeet and me laugh.

She looked so damn cute when she was angry...

Issabella's pov:

I walked into the background of my dreams. I couldn't be more excited to say this... "Hey phineas whatcha doin?"

Astonishingly, since the event that happened in paris, phineas has been sweeter and more flirty...I was dozing off to phineas land , but then i got this idea. I was going to ask phineas to spend some time with me after the project he was making.

I was going to say that to phineas... "Hey phin-"

"Hi guys!" Baljeet told us.

I did the jazz hands out of anger.

The buford made go to my bad side

I tackled him to the ground and started punching him playfully yet hard, "THAT....IS...MY...LINE!!!!" Everyone was laughing which made me get up and start laughing too.

Oh gods...what would i do without them...

Pinky's pov:

Before isabella and pinky went to phineas and ferb's house:

I was bored as ever. When i heard isabella step out of her room, i got up with a jerk and ran as fast as my tiny legs could carry me. She said good morning pinky just as I leaped up to her.

Before Isabella went to the backyard of her dreams, she gobbled up her breakfast which was usually cereals because phineas liked cereals. I nudged her with my nose, she said, "Not now pinky! I have to dress up for phineas!" saying that she dashed upstairs to her room.

I shook my head slowly and smiled. "Oh Gods...Typical isabella..." I thought to myself. I mean.... I know how it feels to have a crush. I have a crush on the strangest animal.... I mean he is not even my species! But as far as the saying goes... There are no bounds for love... I giggled to myself.

You guys must have already guessed who I had a crush on... :) he he he he....

I had a break from fighting the lunatic beauty queen. So i thought to myself " I don't wanna rot at home doing nothing...sooo what if i... Ya. I should totally do that." I blushed to myself when I thought that.

When I heard the sliding door squeak , I ran towards isabella. She looked at me at surprise and then gave me a sneaky smile. "Going somewhere pinky? Or maybe going somewhere...for someone? Hmm?" I stared at her in disbelief.

"WOOF!" I barked at her and then flushed in all the different shades of red. She just laughed at me. I just kept on blushing. After her laugh died she spoke up... "Ok! Ha ha...Phoof! Come on now... we don't want phineas waiting... Or perry..."

I turned my head with a jerk and barked more. I mean... how did she know !? Gods... Was it that obvious? Maybe it was? But thank gods... boys are the most oblivious creatures on earth. I ran behind my tiny master.

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