Surprise! ...?

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No ones pov:

The sun had descended from the sky, and it had left the sky dark, with the stars twinkling like silver glitter.

There was a HUGE party in Danville park. There was a stage and everyone in the park was excited for the performance.

Pinky's pov:

Gods, IT WAS PERFECT. Isabella had told About the ahem- CoNfEsSiOn.

He he.


Perry started jumping up and down, I died laughing when I saw that.

We congratulated our tiny masters.

Suddenly , Candace started smirking and approached phinneas.

It seemed suspicious to me. My O.W.C.A senses started tingling. I squinted my eyes, flapped my ears and started sniffing.

Perry must have noticed that.

"What's up, Agent pinky? I see your O.W.C.A senses are tingling." He joked.

I laughed a little.

"Boss,You see, the whole gang is hiding something from us. Candace is whispering something to Phinneas and now he's smirking. Aaaand now he's telling everyone else the same thing that Candace told him..."

"Hmm...What you're saying is true. Good job on the observation, pinky!And you have just got My interest piqued. Now, let's stay a little bit cautious."

"Mhm, Sure thing boss!"

After The whole secret thing, Phinneas pulled out a camera.

"Now! Every one, get ready for a picture!"

Every one huddled up.

"You to perrinky- i mean Perry and pinky!"

We both blushed hard and smiled at each other

Eek! Good to know that the others ship us~

Phineas started counting.


Everyone looked at each other and smiled. Except me and perry.


Everyone started giggling and they moved a little further, except me and perry.I exchanged looks with him, "Perryyyy" I whispered.

He just shrugged with a confused look on his face.


"HA HA HA!" Everyone ran in all directions.


Phinneas had exchanged the camera with something.While me and perry were distracted, a GUN!? NOT JUST ANY GUN...IT WAS ONE OF HIS INVENTIONS!.

I Closed my eyes with fear.

After a few seconds, when I opened them again...I saw everyone, staring at us in surprise.

"PHINNEAS...WHAT DID YOU JUST DO." Perry demanded.

I turned to look at him...

"OH...MY...GODS" was the only thing i could say.

He turned towards me.


"Language ,perry!" Phineas screamed.

All we could do was stare at each other.

Me and perry screamed in unison:


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