Duty calls

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Ferb's pov:

Wow...I never knew how handsome Perry would look when he turned human. And pinky...She was a gorgeous young lady!

It'd be a great surprise if they get together.


Anyways, Vanessa and I were having a wonderful time at the park party.

As usual, Vanessa looked splendid.

"Sooo~ Ferb! What do you want to do now?And let's make it fast...Aren't you performing today?

"Ha ha yes. What About we go to the carnival, On the right side of the park?"

"Bullseye! I m-mean, good idea ferb!"

I laughed softly and kissed her.

"Come on, let's go now."

We walked towards the carnival, it was beautiful. Lights lit up the whole carnival.

We enjoyed the carnival for an hour.

"Wowee! That was fun! I have only been to junkyard carnivals, but this one was even better!"

"I knew you would like it And- uh oh it's 7:30"

"Ferb run! Your life is in danger! You can't miss the show!"

"HA HA vanessa stop! The show starts at 8:00"

"oh-He he"

Gods, she's the best.

Pinky's pov:

I was kinda getting used to the human thingy...Wait- is that who i think it is!?


"Omg what happened- shit..."

Perry was drinking apple juice. And squeezed it too hard, The Juice splattered on his tuxedo and my purple dress.

"And i oop-" I joked

"Ha ha sorry..."

"Ha ha it's fine- I was gonna tell you something...Who was that i saw-? GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY YES!"

"Pinky are you okay?" He asked worriedly

"Lol perry, i'm just being myself.Wait i wanna-"

"Perhaps the person you are talking about is him!"

"GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY CARL! Stop looking at those two strangers like that."

"Sorry sir! But they look so much like agent p and p!I mean pinky"

"What are you talking about, carl?"

"Hello major Monogram!"

"Great googly moogly! I have blown our cover! AAH! I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK TO THE ACADEMY! WAAH!"

"Major monogram! It's us! Pinky and perry!" I exclaimed before he REALLY blew out his cover.

They exclaimed


"Uh huh"

"Great googly moogly!Perry, what a handsome young man you are!" Major monogram said.

Perry just smiled.

"And pinky..."

Carl whistled.

I just rolled my eyes and smiled.

"I can't believe it! What happened?"

"Before that Sir! You owe me $5"

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