Life is a bliss.

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Pinky's pov:

I was loving it! It was amazing.

We didn't do much after we reached.We just talked about owca and our missions.

He is soooo cool. I wish i had missions like him. Anyhoo, I asked him, "Sooooo...You hungry?"

"Ya, i could eat"

"Let's go steal some hot dogs from that stand" I smirked.

"What? Ha Ha! Sure. Let's go!"

Instead of running on four legs, We both were used to running on 2 legs because that's how we fought.

I jumpscared the hot dog man, and he ran away screaming. Me and Perry laughed our guts out.

"HA HA HA HA HA. phoof- now ha ha, how do we reach the top?

"Hmm, wait, lemme try this."

"Perry what are you oh-"

He knelt down and cupped his paws.

"Hop on!"

I did so, and then he threw me upwards.

"Woah!" i said, while almost losing my balance when i reached on the top.

"Omg pinky, don't fall"

"I got it boss!"

Perry's pov:

Wow, this girl is something.

Then she quickly grabbed 2 hotdogs and threw them down.

"Ok pinky, you can come down!"

"Ok, hold on a sec...Whoops!"

Little did i know, there was a puddle of oil below her feet and she stepped on it! She slipped and she was falling!

I quickly threw the hot dogs away and then i Counted till three, one...two...three!


She gracefully landed right into my paws.

" Are you alright !? "

She had covered her face with her paws, and she was shivering,I could clearly say that she was scared.

"Hey,Hey, it's fine...i got you.."

She slowly removed her paws from her face, And looked at me gratefully.

"Thank you perry."

"No problem , pinky"

I place her down gently. She looked me in the eyes and smiled. I smiled back, and turned away blushing. I took a sneak peak behind and saw she was also blushing, BRIGHTLY.

I was kinda excited when I saw her blush. Could it be? Did she like me back? I squealed silently.I JUST COULDN'T HOLD IT BACK ANYMORE.

I took her by the paws and held her close. Close as in CLOSE. She had a shocked look. In like 2 seconds her eyes half-closed, Her ears drooped, so did her tail and a beautiful smile appeared on her face. I just couldn't stop staring at her . I knew it was too early to kiss her so I squinted my eyes and roughly pulled her for a hug. She yelped, which made me hug a little more tightly. She loosened her body and hugged me back.

After a few minutes (Ya that's right! I wasn't going to leave her so soon!) We pulled apart.

"What was that about?" She asked while smiling.

"Nothing" I simply just smiled. "You're the greatest friend in the world, that's why!"

"Aw! Perry!"

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