The Triple date

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Warning!This chapter is looongg

Pinky's pov:

Gods, this day couldn't get better. Seriously. I have the best sister ever! Too bad i wasn't human...Anyways! I told Isabella that I needed to dress up.

"I wanna surprise him. And you have to surprise me with your dressing up skills."

"Missy, You're talking to the goddess of dressing up."

I laughed.

"Oh and don't forget about your date with phineas!"

She blushed

"Oh please. How will I ever do that. Oh and it's not a date sadly. It's just an intimate get together." Saying that we giggled. Remembering candace.


Boomed candace out of nowhere.

"Sure- um candace. Anyways. What do you need help with?"

"Sorry for popping out of nowhere. Anyhoo, I need you to dress me up for Jeremy's Very Special date."

"OoH. Candace aren't you 19?" I said.

"Wait- what? PINKY YOU CAN TALK??"

"Not actually...Phineas gave isabella the animal bla bla nator.So that is how You and sissy can understand what i say."

Candace's eyes widened.

"An animal undestanniator? THAT IS SOOO BUSTABLE. Oh ho ho ho THEY ARE SOOO BUSTED!"

Me and isabella rolled our eyes.Isabella smiled."Come on! Let's get ready for our triple date!"

"Woah woah woah...Stop right there missy. TRIPLE date?One date is with me and jeremy, 2nd is Yours and phineas's which i practically call a date because you guys look damn cute together-"

Isabella blushed.

I smirked.

"-Who is the third one- OMG WAIIITT-"

I skipped a heartbeat.


"He he he..."






Me and Isabella exchanged looks.

"You dont think it's weird...I mean a platypus and a chihuahua..." I said glumly. "After all he's your pet"

"DUDE...why would i think that's weird? You are my best friend's dog...I mean- come on! My brother is dating someone who is like 6 years older than him. You and Perry will make a perfect couple....If I see Perry with some female platypus, I would go BONKERS.He is destined to be with you."

I think I wiped a tear away after she said that.

Isabella's jaw dropped. "B-best f-friend? C-candace? D-did-d Y-you just call me your best friend?"

"Well duh. Stacey is my best friend too. Because you two help me with all my problems! I will do anything for you guys!"

Isabella started crying. She ran to Candace and hugged her tightly.

"There there isabella. Stop crying. Don't ruin your mood before you date- Ahem- Get Together with phineas." Then Candace winked." Soon there were three gorgeous ladies in isabella's room. "Too bad pinky is not a human. She looks gorgeous in her dress!". Said isabella

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