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There they were. Lady Wifi, Bubbler, and Silencer. All waiting for any uninvited guests. They were stationed right in front of a huge gate which led to the Agreste Mansion.

'She must be waiting for me to come home' Adrien thought.

Adrien, Chloe, Kagami, Rose, and Juleka stood hidden from them devising a plan.

"Rose, Juleka, do you think you can take them?" Rose squirmed from where she was crouched. She wanted to but after taking one look at Juleka's she knew that her girlfriend wasn't ready.

"I don't know, I haven't had much training and I just don't think I'm ready." Juleka mumbled in a Juleka type way. Juleka also didn't want to fight her brother.

"That's okay, I'll take them." Juleka watched as Adrien sauntered out into view of the villains. Juleka watched as the shy Adrien was replaced with the cocky Chat Noir.

Every movement, every little thing was confident. It was like he turned into a totally different person. But Juleka knew that Chat noir was actually Adrien and she didn't mean just his identity. She had seen Adrien be flirty with Marinette, and she knew how big of a dork he could be.

Juleka watched as Chat Noir effortlessly defeated the Bubbler cracking obnoxious puns as he went. 'Confidence really turns you into a different person' Juleka enviously thought.

That was it. She needed to be confident. but how?

"Purr-haps you could make this a little more difficult." Chat noir said feigning boredom as he stretched onto gate in a cat-like way. This made Lady Wifi mad and she went in to attack but Chat Noir blocked it effortlessly as he yawned.

"How do you do that?" Juleka asked.

"Do what?" Adrien asked genuinely confused.

"Act so confident! You were just hysterically crying ten minutes ago and now you won't stop cracking cat puns!" Juleka shouted.

"Well mew see my dear fur-end." Chat Noir started as Juleka and the rest of the team groaned.

"Mew seem to fur-get that I am the furry funny, claw-ver, purr-fect, and pawsome Chat Noir. My paw-ers make me feel so much more con-fur-dent. "

Juleka groaned overwhelmed with all the cat puns "You got to be kitten me. I couldn't even understand you." Suddenly Juleka stopped. She had punned. The obnoxious cat's puns had caught onto her.

Chat Noir looked at her like a proud father "Oh my gosh I'm so purr-oud of mew. Meow help me kick some akuma butt."

Juleka smiled as she let her new feline personality shine.

"You know Luka. Mom would be feline purr-ty mad if she knew mew was working fur a supervillain!" Juleka snickered.

"Ahhh you're hiss-terical!" Chat Noir squealed.

"I don't know if if I should be proud that Juleka is coming out of her shell or if I should be annoyed." Rose questioned when the fight was almost over.

"The second one definitely." Chloe sighed. Finally, after an eternity of cat puns and fooling around, the two feline themed superheroes had defeated the trio.

Alya, Nino, and Luka sat on the ground looking at the team.

"So are you ready to join to good side?" Adrien asked with their three miraculous's in his hand.

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Lady Butterfly sat in the first floor of the Agreste Mansion. She was sitting on a throne of little akumas. It was elegant and beautiful. Lady Butterfly felt so powerful when she sat on it. She looked at the throne next to her.

She was determined to wait for Adrien. They were destined to rule Paris together. Lady Butterfly could take over Paris but with her soulmate by her side she could rule the world.

Her plan was to akumatize Adrien into Chat Blanc. She still had brief memories of that terrifying experience even as a villain. It brought chills to her bones... and she loved it. She knew what Chat Blanc was capable of. He could destroy the world. Between him and herself they could do anything.

Lady Butterfly stood up and commanded the akumas to come with her. She walked to a portrait of Adrien hanging in the foyer. She stroked a hand on his painted cheeks.

"We'll be together soon my sweet kitty." She said as she kissed the painting.

Suddenly a villain burst into a room out of breath.

"What is it?" Lady Butterfly sighed.

"It's Chat Noir. He's here and he's got company."

A huge smile spread across lady Butterfly's face.

"Splendid." She said. The villain used it's powers to show Lady Butterfly what was happening outside.

Chat Noir, Queen Bee, Ryuko, Rena Rouge, Carapace, and Viperion and some other other superheroes stood there most liking planning how to get in.

Lady Butterfly scowled as a Tiger themed hero hugged her kitten. They looked so close and happy.

"It's time." She decided.

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