Chapter 3 first videos

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2 weks after you've been hired

As you sit down at your desk Matt sends you a vloxx. You open it. "We're trying to open the air vent safe wanna help" matt sends you. You say yes and then head over to blue base. You walk into blue base and they're alreday filming. Matt looks at you with the vlog camrea and says, "Y/N is our new PA. also might be editing the M vlogs. This is the first video you've been featured on right?". You look into the eyes of the camera and say, "yep this is my very first video". "BANG" the top of the stairs said loudly. "SAM! Are ou ok" Matt yelled up the steps. "Um Matt" Sam said nervously. "I dropped the safe" She ssaid again nervously. Matt went running up the steps. "The side of the safe came off" Matt said to the camara. Sam brought the safe down to the bottom of the stairs. "It's leaking" You say. "EWW.." Sam says before laying it down. "Don't touch it" Matt says kinda calmly. "What is that" You say. "I don't know sometype of liquid" Matt says. "Wait why would someone store just water in a safe. This must be sometype of speicail liquid" You say. "Special liqui?" Matt says. "Mystrey liquid" You say. "So we have 2 new tools to try and break into the safe" Matt says looking at the camrea. "Whitch one should we try first" Matt says. Woods points to the purple one as matt opens the bag. He then noticed He opened the wrong bag. Matt gets down on the floor To try and oepen this safe. He sticks the metal ring intot he cracks of the safe and trys and moves it. He strains. "Woods would you like to try. " matt says. Woods gives it a go. The musles. The strength. It still was'nt enough. More liquid starte drunning out the safe. "Look at that" Matt said pointing at the drops of liquid on the safe. "I can't get it" woods says booking at Matt. "So can someone clean this up... Woods?" matt says. "Ok" woods says back. "Guys if you have any idea or suggestions post them in the subreddit below" Matt said Looking at the camera. As he was doing the outro you watched Woods place an old cotten rag on the water as it egnated into flames. "Umm" you say. "Wooo" matt yalls trying to get away fromt he flames. Woods trys to put it out with his shoes as Kevin runs in with the fire exstigwearsher to save the day. The smell go's into the air an dwoul'nt go. We all run outside to get away from the fumes. "We know know the liquid in that safe is extremely flammable. " Woods says. "What did you do" MAtt asks. "I grabbed a towel to clean it and when it touched the liquid it light up in flames. Y/N watched me" Woods says. "Y/N" Matt says looking at you. You look over. "Did you watch woods put the rag on the ground" Matt asks. "Yep. He went into the armery and got the rag and layed it on the ground as it lighted" You say. "Ok let's go back inside and put the safe away and wait til tomorrow" matt says. We all waalk back inside. "That was close" Matt said. "Cut " MAtt sad to the camera man CJ. Cj put down the camera rig and sat down. "where should I put the safe." Sam saids to Matt. "In sometype of container" Matt says. Sam walks to the old tt set and gets a plastic cointanier. "So we're assuming that's some sort of explosive chemical that im assuming someone trying to hide" You say. Matt nods. Woods nods while staring ta his phone. "Lunch?" Matt asks. "sure " Woods says. "What about you ya ever been in a tesla" Matt asks you. "I've never been in a tesla but I am hungry." You say. AFter we've got lunch we all comeback to the office. You grab your laptop and start editing todays video then you clock out.

The next day Matt got a vloxx from sam so he vloxxed you, woods and cj to come on in now. In his vloxx he says, "so I just got a vloxx from Sam. she said it could make a good thumbnail vut she did'n't say what. Can you come into work early today to shoot the video. ". You jump out of bed, brush your teeth and take a shower. Afterwards you hop into your car and start to drive there. When you show up Matt and Sam are at the bottom of the steps. Woods enters just after you. "So what happened" You ask. "So you too know about the mystrey chemical in the safe" You and woods nod. We reach the top of the stairs and walk into Sam's office. "Look there " Matt says with a vlog camrea in hand. You and Woods looked down at the hole in the floor and say nothing. You gasp. "So someone put a metal safe i the ceiling knowing it wa sfillled with a flammable chemical that also melts floors" woods says. "Maybe the chemicail can't melt metal" You say. "Name the chemicals it could be 1 2 3 Acid" Matt says. "Gasolone" woods says. "Battery acid" You say. "CJ" Matt yells for his trusty Camrea man. Cj enters the office while saying "hwatttt ". Matt walks into the room with the vlog camera. "Should i go get the camera rig" He says as Matt puts 1 foot on the bottom step. "Yeah" Matt says puting the vloging camera down. Cj comes back with the 2 ½ ft rig. "Come " Matt says. They eventually reah the top of the steps . "I wanna try something so the ccamera can see it better. Woods go down and look up" Matt says. Woods leaves for a second or two but then appears at the bottom of the hole. "Watch out for the puddle " You say. We all walk downstairs to take a closer look in the armery. Matt grabs a nerf gun and ask, "can I". Cj looks up at the hole "sure" he says. "Hey Sam you still up there Grab the vlog camera for a sec and stand at the hole" matt says. "Ok" sam says. As we look up at the hole we see a vlog camera peek through. "Are ya ready" Matt says. He shoots through the holw up into sam's office and lands it on the couch."it's up here" Sam says. Coem down so i can do the outro. Everyone in the armery. "Ok you know whatto do post your sugar=stions an dcomments i the subreddit link in the description" He say as the camrea go off.

A couple days later I walk into blue base check in and take my temperature. As I walk towards the back Matt yells, "filming a reactoin video to the subreddit. Y/N come here". You walk there to the mega desk room. "You know how youve only worked here like 3 weeks " Matt says. You nod. "Well there's allready fanart of you" He says. "Cool I betcha give them 3 mounths there be fanfiction" You say. He looks into the camera and says, "there probabily already is". "Lemme check I got wattpad on my laptop" You say. He laughs. "You read fanfiction" He says happy. "Here's the thing when I was a teenager I had a crush on woods like every fangirl on earth so I immediately got wattpad on every laptop ive ever gotten." You say. He laughs once more and says, "Fanfict reader". "And author" You say back. "What's it called" he asks. "You and woods a dreamwork teamwork team. I wrote it when I was 14 years old." You say. He looks back and yoi and then talks to the camera, "go check out Y/N's fanfiction link down in the decription below". Woods appears at the down and says, "I heard my name". Matt looks back and says, "yeah Y/N used to write fanfict of you". Woods smiles. "Fanfiction of me and who?" He asks. "Always X the reader" You say smiling. "I also red fanfiction" You say defenceful. Matt laughs. "Plus i was 14 when i wrote it and read it ... I considered my self a fangirl, fan artist, fan theroryist, fan author and a MEGAFAN" you say. "Who was your favorite people from here" Woods asks. You smile and say, "well you, paul and Sam. Oh yeah and Matt was my second favortite for like a year". Matt laughs. "Woods has always been my favortite" You say. You look over at a smileing happy Woods."I didn't expect you to be here this late" Matt says. "I was just finishing up editing the last M vlog. " You say. "Clocking out?" Matt asks. Woods nods as You say, "yes". "See ya later" Matt says. "Bye" You say back as you shut the door. As you get home you set your keys dwn at the table. You sit down. You think of him. The one you've always had a crush on. Could it be true. You think your in love but want to get a second opinion. "hey Willow, I think i'm in love" You say to you fluffy grey cat willow and she slowly falls asleep. in love with  Woods? Maybe 

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