Chapter 2 Nevous excitement

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"You're already met Kevin and myself so who would you like to met first" Matt said to you. "Hmmmm..." you say thinking of your favortite. You walk down the stairs of blue base and arvive at the doorway of the office. Your favortite office. What awaits you will be your first impresion. You start to neavously smile and you watch your favorite type on his computer. "Hey we got a new PA there name is Y/N and Im showing them the office" Matt yells. You see the chair spin around as he walks towards you. He. Your favortite person that you've looked up to for abut 12 years now. He walks closer and closer. He holds his hand out and says his name. "Woodland demars but everyone calls me woods" He says standing right in front of you. You place your hand at his and say your name "Y/N. It's nice to meet you" You say shaking his hand. "It's nice to meet you to" he says back. Your fangirl brain can't take it. Your blush as red as a cherry on top of a sundae and your smile as big as a banana split. "SAM HANNAH CJ" Matt yells. You look toward the back of blue base. You look at woods also looking twards the back of blue blue base. "Come with me" Matt says kinda freserated. "SAM" He yells again. "Im in here" sam saids from the kitchen AKA the tt set. "Intoduce yourself to our new PA Y/N" Matt saids as I hold out my hand for a handshake. "Hi Im Y/N" You say smiling at Sam. "Im Sam" She saids holding out her hand as well. "You'll love it here. I pretty sure you already knew that otherwise you would'nt be here right now. You'll have fun. Good look at the GG shot today" she said shaking my hand. Tthanks " You say back. "Sam do you know where everyone else is at. " Matt asks. "Well CJ's upstairs, hannah's at the vision bored and Woods is at the office." She says. "HANNAH" Matt yells. "Whaattt" you hear coming from the vision bored. "Say hi to the new PA Y/N" Matt says. "Hello. Im assuming you alreday know who I am" Hanna says holding out her hand. You nod and say "yep". "CJ is upstairs right" Matt says. "I don't know" Hannah says back. "CJ" Matt calls. "yes " CJ saids. "Where is he " Matt asks. "Mega desk room" Cj kinda yells. Matt starts walking to the Mega desk room. "Lemme geuss another PA" CJ said as you enter the room. "Y/N I've heard so much about you from Matt just walking around the studio saying the PA comes toommrrow The PA comes tomorrow. Be reday be ready it a big deal its a big deal" CJ says. You smile "well here I am" Yous say. "Do you know where everyone else is at." Matt says as he looks around. "Sam and Hannah are in the back, everyone else is in ornage base I think. Oh yeah and woods is right there." CJ says. "That reminds me i gotta ask kevin to give you a key fob to the bases otherwise you won't be able to get in. to Ornage bas ewe go" He saids. We walk over to ornage base . Paul meets us at the door. "Lemme guess new PA" Paul says looking at me. "Yep" you say looking back. "Y/N" You say. "You doing the GG shot today" He saids. "yep " you say. "Wheres everyone else" Matt asks. "Tanner, Connor and Pat are upstairs. I heard they got new sancks" Pauls says back. "Oooo yas snacks" matt say as he runs upt he stairs. You follow behind him. "TANNER CONNOR PAT " He yells. "NEW PA" he yells once more. He walks into the GG room. "New PA?" connnor asks. Matt nods and so do you. "Gosh what was your name. Matt's been talking about you for over a week but I still can't remmeber your name." tanner says looking rigth at you. "Y/N" you say back. "Y/N Y/N Y/N ok got it" Tanner says. "Congrationlaus" pat saids. "Thanks " you say back with a smile. Matt walks over to the desk offcamera. He tells me what to do and what the words meant when they said tsomething. You sit down as Connor waits. "Rolling" You yell. "Welcome back today we're playing gta Horse ata skate park" He says. As you sit through the GG shot. It finnaly ends. Afterwrds everyones talkinng. Matt walks over to you. "Great work" he says. "Can you edit" He says. "I think I can" You say back. "Come with me" 

He says as he walks outthe GG room to downstairss. You follow him. Downstairs you run into Woods with coffee. "Hey Woods where is everyone else" Matt asks. Woods looks at me and matt and then the door and says "red base I think". Matt unlocks teh door and walks outside towards red base. He using his key and unlocks the door. "MIKE" Matt yells. "Office" Mike says. Matt walks on over to his office. "New PA" He says to Mike. "another one" Mike says. "Y/N" Matt says. "Nice to meet you. Lemme guess frist GG shot tommrrow" Mike says. "Just finshed it" I say. "Oh wow fist day?" Mike says. You nod. "Cool" He says. "Where Roze" Matt asks. "Office" Mike says befroe turning around and working on Addiction the remix. Matt walks toward roze's office witch is across the hall from mine. "ROZE" Matts kinda yells. "Whhaaattt" roze calls back. "New PA" He says. "Cool" She says beach. "What's your name kid?" she asks. "Y/N" you say standing at the doorway. "cool " she says back. Matt satnds there looking at his watch. "Wheres dommie, shennele, sierra and bellet. " Matt asks. Roze responds with "ballet's in her office, dommie's in blue base and so is sirherra and Shenelle was just here.". "Shennana" Matt calls out into the almost empty red base. "... what ..." someone says. "Shenana" Matt calls again. "What" She saids. Matt walked tot he noise. "Shennana ... The new PA's here... Where are you" He says. "Near the door" she calls back. Matt walks towards the noise once more. Shennele's standing at the door. "Shenelle" Matt says. "Lemme guess new PA" She says. I nod and matt says "yes". "Y/N?" she says questioning. "Yep" you say. "How'd first GG shot go" She asked. "Good" I say. "Y/N did amazing" Matt said too. "BELLET" Matt yells. You hear a soft yes come from her office as matt wlak over there. He enters the office and you stands in the doorway. "Newbie PA?" She asks. You nod. "Y/N?" She asks "yep" you say as noding. "Just finished the GG shot " Matt saids. "How'd it go" Bellet said looking and you and matt. "Good" you and Matt say together. Your banana split smile and blush comes out once more. "Dommie and sirhere in blue?" Matt asks. "Yes" ballet says. Matt walks outsid ethe office toward the buw base.

 We enter blue base. Sirraha sat at the front desk and dommie was waling down the stairs. "The new PA Y/N" Matt says looking at them. "Good afternoon" Dommie says as she walks more down the stairs. "Lemme guess frist GG shot today" sirahera says. "Yep" You say. "How'd it go" Dommie says at the bottem of the stairs. "good "You say as matt nods. Kevin starts walking down the stairs with woods. "Kevin! Key fob for our new PA" Matt says. Kevin walks all the way down the stair and hand me a key fob. "You just scan it against the black rectagler scanner and boom done. It go's to all the bases. Tommrrow i'll send you a message saying what to do . show up in blue base first to take your temputure and all that covidstuff. Kevin will check you in and then you can head on over to red  and read your asssianments for the rest of the week" Matt says as he clocks out.

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