Part Seven

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Cherie was standing at the door of the shabby cottage which was located at the foot of a mountain; facing a clear blue sea, at the back of the cottage was a numerous tall huge trees and plants she’d known by the books she read. The air was refreshing and smells like sea water.

            Going down the cottage was a man-made broad stairway of mud and stones, leading the way to the sea shore. Around the cottage were plants in rows. Cherie was looking around when she heard noises and laughter’s coming from the stairs, she tried to run back to the cottage but they already saw her.

            “Hey! It’s you!” a boy exclaimed. Cherie was startled. “Brother Rohan brought you here last night, isn’t it?” wiping the seawater that drips from his hair.

            “Look at those eyes, it is bluer than the sea.” Another boy exclaimed as he looked near to her face. Cherie can almost smell the seawater on him.

            “Rohan!” the last boy shouted when Rohan came out, the three boys ran and hugged him.

            “Hey guys! I’m getting wet!” Rohan was trying to avoid getting but the children missed him so much, they all want to hug him.

            “Gitana, we caught big fishes today!” a boy shouted when Gitana went outside to pick some vegetables at the back. Gitana asked where the fishes are, the boy run down the stairs.

            “Delmar! Wait for me!” a boy shouted and hurried to follow the younger child.

            “Careful Seaton. Don’t fall again.” Gitana reminded.

            “Did Seaton fall again?” Rohan asked them.

            “Yes.” Morgan answered, he was older than the two boys whom went down to get the bucket of fishes they caught at the sea. “Seaton fell at the ladder the other day and had a fever yesterday.”

            Seaton’s right leg is shorter than his left leg. He was infected by a disease when he was a baby and that was the result. He can’t walk properly and run fast like the rest of the boys. He was also prone to falling, which always get him wounded and sick.

            “Oh…the fishes are big.” Gitana approach them with a happy face. The usually don’t catch big fish. “Come on…dry yourselves while I cook the fishes.”

            They all entered the cottage; Rohan waited for Cherie to go inside the he went after her.

            They lunch together, even Tate; the youngest, join them at the table. Gitana usually feed him at the bed, but he joins them when Rohan was around. They talked about what happened while Rohan was away. Cherie sat beside Rohan, she contented herself listening to their stories and enjoyed her first simple meal. Rohan assisted her in the most possible way he can; trying to make her comfortable and at ease in this place.

            Cherie’s days at the shabby cottage were new experience for her. Rohan told her that it was very uncomfortable for her to wear the ball gown so he borrowed from Gitana. The knee-length dress feels rough and hard. Rohan also stuffed her bed with hay and covered it with a bed sheet, it was not soft as to her bedroom’s bed at the palace but it was better than the plain wooden bed. Cherie tried to befriend everyone. Gitana was very aloof at first but since she’s only the one whom was doing most of the household chores, she needs a helping hand. The boys were not hard to deal with because they admired her beauty and gentleness except to Morgan whom was avoiding her. Tate, the youngest, was her second friend; Rohan being the first. Tate was very fond of her. They are always together, Cherie likes Tate very much, he was a sweet gentle child though she noticed his being sickly and everyday his health grew weaker.

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