Chapter 1

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I can't believe I'm coming back after having a year off.I texted Kiki to tell everyone I'm coming back and she never replied to me.weird.Anyways I'm excited to even step foot into the school.However there's just one thing scaring me ,it's how everyone will think of me of what I had done last time.which resulted in me having to leave but only for a year.I'm glad I'm not expelled.Freddie promised me when I came back we'd hang out.I hope Harriet didn't torture him or anything.Anyways I'm on my way there right now.
(I stepped out of my car and I hugged my parents goodbye)
Mum:remember to have your medicine every night before bed and in the morning
Me:I will
Dad:remember okay
Mum:and I want you focusing
Me:okay,can I go now?
Dad:ye hurry along
Me:thank you,I'll miss you
(As I turn around I look at the school with a smile.I'm home.All of a sudden someone tapped me on my shoulder.)
?:Hi newcomer no need to be worried or anything I had my first time last year
Me:and you are
?:poppy more,head girl
Me:I thought Harriet was head girl
?:ye about that,It's a long story
(I turned to see Freddie.He put out him arms for me to hug)
Freddie:I missed you
Me:same sooo what happened to Harriet
Poppy:I'm guessing your not new
(She walked in front of me and took Freddie hand)
(I said cause I was confused.we're they dating?)
Freddie:ye were together
Me:when did that happen?
Poppy:last year
(I giggled in awe)
Me:the Freddie,Freddie Kingsley who I've known for my whole life is dating a girl
(I laughed )
Poppy:what's wrong with that?
Me:nothing it just doesn't sound true
Freddie:I'm not lying
Me:i don't believe you ,anyways I need to get to my dorm room
(I went up the stairs to my dorm as I jumped and hugged all my friends)
Me:I missed you
Drippy:you missed soo much last year
Josie:ye there was a fire and everything
Me:WHAT really!tell me
Kate:that's a story for another time
(I look on my bed as I saw that someone's already settled in)
Me:this is meant to be my bed
Katie:oh sorry Hazel,poppy took your bed
Me:am I gonna get it back
Kiki:she took it from last year,sorry
Me:it's fine I just thought I'd come back to the same dorm as you guys
Poppy:I'm sorry but Mrs Kingsley thought it would be safer if you had your own room
Me:what do you mean safer?
(I looked around the room)
Me:who told you?
Poppy:nobody told me anything
Josie:she doesn't know
Me:she does,you don't have to lie about it
(Poppy looked down)
Poppy:Freddie told me
Me:makes sense.If he dates you it doesn't mean he has to tell you everything
Poppy:I'm sorry
(I rushed out of the room on my way to Mrs Kingsley office.As I walked down the stairs I got stares from teachers and students)
(they would whisper things and wouldn't think I'd hear)
?:she's scary
?:I heard that she pushed someone down the stairs before
?:I heard that she punched someone
?:I heard she had problems
Me:I can hear you,you know
?:im sorry
?:please don't hit us
(I walked faster as I knocked really hard on the door)
Mrs Kingsley:Hazel what's wrong?
Me:nothing.Where's my dorm?
Mrs Kingsley:you dorm is upstairs near the west wing
Me:nobody sleeps on the west wing except teachers so I'm guessing I'm on my own
Mrs Kingsley:I'm sorry Hazel,It's just for the safety for others
Me:so you still don't trust me
Mrs Kingsley:it's not like that
Me:it's seems to be
Mrs Kingsley:I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do about that
Me:saying sorry doesn't do anything.CANT YOU SEE THAT I HAVE CHANGED!
( I looked down shocked that I even had shouted at fists grew red as they started to get numb)
Me:I didn't mean to shout
(I said looking down)
Mrs Kingsley:I'm going to have to dismiss you for now.Dinner has almost begun.I'll be taking it to your room as by the time your dressed it will be over.
(I left the office to my dorm.Switching the light on I drop down on the floor against my door)
Me:why me,why can't I control myself?,I just want it to be how it used to be
I hate myself
(I get up and shower and put on a big brown sweater.That's when I took my pills and started to read a book on my bed.Just then someone knocked on my door)
(I opened it to see Freddie standing there with my food and his)
Me:why aren't you downstairs eating with everyone else
Freddie:because your by yourself
Me:you don't have to do this
Freddie:I promised your parents you'd eat your food.come on
Me:sure come in
(We sat on my bed as we quietly ate our food)
Me:Can you speak about how Harriet got expelled?
Freddie:just eat your food for me
(After telling me how she got expelled I was already tired)
Me:that was a long story
Freddie:What did I tell you
Me:now how was your first impression towards poppy as you seem to really like each other
Freddie:can we just talk about something else
(There was a moment of silence.Why didn't he want me to know)
Me:okay so what do you wanna talk about?
Freddie:how your summer was like?
Freddie:you don't have to talk about you know
Me:it will make me feel better when I do
Freddie:okay go ahead,I'm listening
Me:everyone morning I'd have to wake up and take these awful medicines.My mum said that it would help with everything going on but it just made me feel tired and numb.I felt like I was trapped.
( I looked down tears threading to spill but I didn't allow it to cause I didn't want to seem like a baby)
Me:going to that hospital was one of the most scariest experiences ever.They would have to inject me and I'd cry every night.I missed my parents,my home,my parents and most importantly you
Freddie:Hazel,you can cry you know.Come on let it all out
(He scooped me up into a hug and he let me cry into his shoulders)
Freddie:things will get better I promise
Freddie:just be calm,don't speak just rest will ya
(He rocked me side to side until I eventually fell a sleep)

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