Chapter 3

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(I walked into breakfast sitting on another table by myself.Everyone moved away from me as tears threatened to spill.Looking over to my friends I can see the anger through them for what I did to poppy.How can I defend myself if I'll be on my own.poppy sat next to Freddie on the table.I didn't even wait for the prefects or teachers to come in.I just put my head on the table and silently cried.)
Mrs Kingsley:Hazel,you must stand up and wait for the other
(I took a glance at her as I just put my head back down.I knew I was leaving today so why should I listen to her.I look at Freddie who's trying to ignore poppy and she keeps talking to him.He quickly caught me staring as I quickly put my head back down.His eyes were puffy and red as if he had been crying.Not one single person sat next to me except this girl I hadn't recognised before.)


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Freddie Kingsley (WILD CHILD)Where stories live. Discover now