Chapter 7

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Hazel POV
My head felt a lot better when Freddie gave me some painkillers.What could I do without him :)
Lily:Hazel there's going to be a history project and We should team up
Me:I would love to but we're not allowed to choose our partners
Me:let's hope I don't get poppy
Mabel:that would be awkward considering the fact your dating her ex
Me:he was my best friend first
Me:I'm gonna go get a glass of water stay here
I headed to the cafeteria downstairs and got myself a glass of water when I had bumped into someone.
Poppy:watch out
Me:I'm sorry I didn't see you
Poppy:oh it's you
She started to walk away and I felt bad for everything I had done.
Me:I'm sorry if I have not been a good person towards you
Poppy:your telling me this now
Me:listen I don't like this anymore than you do and I just wanna apologies and start over
Poppy:I'll consider it
She walked past me as I headed to Freddie's dorm.I knocked and he didn't answer so I just entered.I couldn't see him so I started to head back out before bumping into someone.
She started to stutter as she hid something behind her back.
Kiki:um I was sleep walking
Me:it's lunch time
Kiki:ye I fell asleep cause I was tired
Me:what are you holding
Me:show me
Kiki:trust me it isn't anything
That's when I heard voices through the window.
Poppy:hurry up and get the necklace Kiki
Me:what necklace and what are you guys doing
Poppy:oh shit
Me:hand it over Kiki
She ran past me through the window and ran off.I would of went after her liber my head was hurting and I really couldn't be asked.That's when Freddie entered
Freddie:what are you doing here
Me:I don't know
I decided not to tell him about what just happened as I wanted to get along with them and not have to fight all the time.
Me:I missed you
He came up to me and hugged me and he kissed my cheek.
Freddie:I have a present for you
Me:ooo what is it
Freddie:let me get it
Me:now I feel bad I didn't get you anything
Freddie:it's fine

He looked through his cupboard to not find the gift.
Freddie:it was right here
Me:should I help you look
Freddie:I can't find it,I can't find the necklace
Me:wait a necklace
Me:I saw Kiki in here before you came and I heard poppy in the window saying get the necklace
Freddie:why didn't you tell me this
Me:I don't know I just wanted to get along with them and not have to fight with them

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