Chapter 4

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Me:You don't have to sit with me
?:I can see that no one wants to but I want to
Me:if you knew what I've done I don't think you'd want to
?:what did you do
Me:I couldn't control myself and this girl tried to grab me and I warned her and she lost her balance on the roof.Then she fell into a bush and broke her hand.
?:you warned her it's her fault
Me:whats your name?
?:lily Chee
Me:aren't you American?
Lily:ye I am
Me:we had one last year and turns out she's popular now
Me:ye and that's the girl who fell
Lily:who's that boy?I thought it was a girls school?
Me:it's is that's just the Headteacher's,Mrs Kingsley's son
Lily:oh cool.Ever spoke to him
Me:ye I have I've know him for my whole life and yesterday me pushing of his girlfriend.....I don't think he'll trust me anymore
Lily:jeez is that a story
Me:where's your dorm
Lily:upstairs first corridor
Me:lucky you actually have people in your dorm
Lily:wait your on your own
(Lily looked down as her face saddened)
Lily:how's that fair?
Me:cause they think I'm sick
Lily:I can ask if I can stay at yours cause there's 3 extra beds
Me:she wouldn't allow it
Lily:and can my sister Mabel join too
Me:sure but Mrs Kingsley has to agree first
Lily:okay wait
Me:shit I forgot
Me:I'm going to the honour court and I have to fight for my place or I'd get expelled
Lily:that's a really big deal
Me:the whole school is gonna be against me
Lily:I won't
Me:but your only one
Lily:my sister?
Me:ye but against the whole school
Mrs Kingsley:anything you have to say for yourself?
Me:I wasn't taking my medication
Me:I'm sorry poppy and Freddie
Me:I'm sorry for everyone being scared of me
(Lily and Mabel got up)
Lily:I'm not scared of her
Mabel:I'm not scared
Lily:you said to my parents that you'll allow the chance for girls to turn themselves around
Mabel:ye and you said you go by your word
Mrs Kingsley:okay now Poppy's turn
Poppy:i tried to help her,I did but she knocked me off
Me:I didn't I told you not to touch me and you still decided to do it and you lost your balance
Me:I didn't intentionally do it
?:just like how you said for the teacher you pushed down the stairs
Me:I didn't mean to do that
Me:and that was before I went into rehab
Me:none of you understand the trauma I've been through.I thought coming here would be easier but it's seems to me as if everyone's just waiting for me pop or burst.
Mrs Kingsley:I will allow you to stay and will allow you to share a room.However the person has to agree with it
(I walked away when Katie,Josie,Kiki and drippy came up to me)
Katie:stay in our room
Josie:poppy has her own one now
( I looked at lily and Mabel)
Me:no thank you,I love you guys but I already have found my roommates.The people who stuck up for me and you guys had your chance in the beginning.
Me:I'm sorry
Me:Lilly you can stay in mine
Lilly:thank you
Me:it's fine
lily:let's make a list of rules we will use for respect each other
(I put my hair up in a bun as I put on a sweatshirt and shorts)
1.don't go through each other's things
2.stay loyal
3.everything we say inside cannot go out of this room
(Cba to write rules)
Mabel:I'm tired
(They fell asleep as I decided to go outside and lay down on the grass.On my way there someone tapped my shoulder)
Freddie:sorry to frighten you
Me:why are you up
Freddie:why are you here?
Me:asked you first
Freddie:to clear out my mind
Me:same and by the way I'm sorry for what happened
Freddie:it's fine I actually broke up with her before it happened
Me:how comes?
Freddie:she's a wonderful girl but not really my type
(Freddie grabbed my hand as we ran outside.I giggled as we ran faster)
(Freddie and me sat on the bench as we started talking)
Freddie:yesterday I heard you speaking to my mother
(My face turned red)
Me:you heard me? Oh
Freddie:it's fine
Me:so about that
(I started to stutter however Freddie cut me off my kissing me on the lips)
Freddie:I'm sorry if you-
(I kissed him back and I believe he got the message)
Freddie:I can't remember how long ago I liked you Hazel
Freddie:it's just that I was missing you last year and I found someone else
Me:it's fine and I knew you'd come back to me
Freddie:let's get to bed then okay?
Me:ye sure
(We got to my dorm as he kissed me goodnight.I heard squeals next to me.I tuned around to see lily and Mabel.)
Lily:sooo cute
(They walk passed Freddie and they dragged me inside)
Lily:you have to tell me all about it

Authors note
Hope you enjoy

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