Chapter 2

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Dinner came later and Marinette couldn't wait. She baked some macaroons with the help of Alfred about an hour ago. And she wanted everyone to try some. She really couldn't wait for everyone's reactions.

And soon, Alfred called everyone down for dinner. And everyone was now seated with food decorating the table. And everyone was set to eat.

after the courses of food have gone by, it was time for Mari's little surprise to everyone.

She followed Alfred to the kitchen and made her way to the tray on the counter. They were some rainbow macaroons. And they definitely looked delicious. But why did she make macaroons? Who knows. But she loved the way they tasted and she was sure everyone else would. So Alfred helped her pick up the tray and helped her take it to the dinning area.

Everyone was marvelled at the sight. Very bright looking cookies is all they saw. And Marinette was happy she made at least one hundred or they wouldn't last at all.

She set the tray one the table and everyone soon started taking them. And everyone started biting them. Marinette started getting nervous for some reason but tried to hide it. everyone ate and ate. She looked at her brothers and they looked at each other with bored expressions. then they both looked at her with a bored expression and they both opened their mouths.

"Dear sister, we have concluded that these so called macaroons, were, THE ABSOLUTE BEST. I NEED SOME MORE"!!!

They both said and went for the tray. They looked so happy and even Bruce was pleased. He really enjoyed the treats. They were great. And this was all thanks to Marinette.

Two years later

Marinette was now 4 and six months. She has excelled in many languages with the help of Alfred who has also been learning with her. They went for Mandarin, French, and a bit of Arabic. But in secret. Marinette was skilled in acrobatics and was good in self-defense. Her brothers have helped her so much. Alfred has been tutoring her as well. He taught her how to read, do math, understand the art of literature, appreciate history, get into balance with the world, and better in her manners. As she was a lady.

Her life was great. And for her birthday a while ago, she got a puppy. A Great Dane in that case. The puppy itself was quite big, and, the ears were pinned. Poor puppy was all she thought. But she let that thought go when she got to name him.


" Titus".

"What" ? Said Jason


" can't you name it something else? Like, uhm, Pancake"? Said Dick

"No. Titus".

" Ooh, we can make him Mr Mazronii"! Said Jason.


" fine. But I'd go with Jason's name".

"Well I like Titus" .

The puppy barked at the boys and wagged it's tail while staring up at Marinette. She was so happy. And the dog was happy itself. She hugged him and he happily barked. Then he headed for Dick and Jason and stood near them. He stuck up one of his hind legs and let it all out over Jason.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK"!!!!!! He shrieked.

" Jason, don't say that in front of her you dumbass "! Scolded a laughing Dick.

" I'm going to tell daddy and Alfred you said a no-no word".

"Mari, you better not"! Glared Jason.

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