Chapter 10

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It was the fifth night where I was helping the bats with their missions when one night, I messed up by a lot. I was supposed to keep watch on the team and instruct them on what exact tunnels to take. And, the point is, they almost died.

I was introduced to the Batcave a few days ago and I was impressed. Though, not really at the same time. Back in China, we had bigger quarters with super large screens and all that good stuff.

We were all no back in the Batcave and I was now waiting for my lecture and being banned. I knew this day was about to come anyways. So I just let it happen. And, it wasn't like Batman would actually break me just with a few words.

"I DON'T CARE WHO THE HELL YOU ARE BEHIND THAT MASK. YOU PUT EACH OF OUR LIVES IN DANGER. WE ALMOST DIED BECAUSE YOU LED IS TO THE WRONG DIRECTION. NOW WHAT DO YOU THINK GOTHAM WOULD BE LIKE WITHOUT US! YOU ARE USELESS! WE DON'T NEED YOU! IN FACT, NO ONE OUT HERE IN GOTHAM WOULD NEED YOU! NO WONDER PEOPLE IN PARIS HATE YOU. Things never last with you Ladybug. You have no purpose in this world being a so called superhero. Now hand over your source of magic so I can keep this city safe without you hurting anyone else".

My so called father actually called me useless. The man I once used to love hurt me the most. I thought I escaped the people that loved to torture me. I thought I was finally free. But this? This just proved to me, there will be nobody that would truly ever love me.

I then spoke in lifeless voice. It was quite easy to tell he hurt me.

" You're right. I am all those horrible things you just said to me. But I will not hand over my source of magic. I thought I would find my family again, but, I guess I was replaced. And long gone. I actually thought I could find love again and not hate. But I was also wrong there. I'm not going to hand over my miraculous or my identity. I don't do that. A true hero never reveals themselves. I may not be anything here Brucie, but I was certainly someone over there. See you later Monsieur Wayne".

And I opened a portal and quickly left. I was in my bedroom and stared at the wall. I quickly detransformed and once again, stared at the wall. It was sad. The walls were all sad looking. They needed some life. So tomorrow, as my last day of freedom before school, I was going to remain my bedroom and make it look like home.

So I took a shower and said goodnight to my happy butler.

The next day, we went home decor shopping and I got a large bucket of mustard yellow paint and a nice soft turquoise bucket. And we also ordered some floor tiles because we wanted to get rid of the old floor and give it a new one.

So we bought a lot of things that would make our place seem like home. I quickly rushed to my room with my paints and started rolling away with the roller. I used yellow on the walls and the turquoise on the ceiling. And I did the same for Ian's room.

And it looked great. We had some strangers in the house do the flooring for us and they quickly finished and left. We bought some newer appliances and replaced almost everything.

And in the end, it was bedtime. And tomorrow, was going to be my first day of school. I didn't want to think about any of them. They hurt me. Dick was disappointed in me. And that was a lot. It was hard for a loved one to disappoint him like I did. And, Jason, he wasn't the fun Jay Jay I used to love. He had hate in his eyes after the mission.

So I was now done with them.

The next day soon arrived and I got ready and curled my hair and everything. I was Marinette Wayne Cheng. I was escaping countries. I wasn't ready for the crown. And the crown was thirsty for me. Lila spread more awful lies about my parents and me.

I saw it in the ladyblog. That's the only place I'm actually able to keep track of her lies.

Breakfast was served in the kitchen and Ian was out. Maybe for some blood. Not sure.

I ate my breakfast and fed Tikki some cookies. Ian came back and had many packets of fresh human blood.

"Here, have one. And take one for lunch. But take that one in secret".

" don't worry Sir Kindroughl".

"Lets go lady Mari" .

And we left for school. Driving around the city was nice. Especially in the daylight. After all the rain, everything looked beautiful. We arrived and I got off of the car. I waved goodbye and he almost left. Maybe he was going to make sure I actually entered. And I was, until I saw someone about to get hit by a car. So I ran towards the man and pushed him away. And, I was lucky the car stopped.

I looked at the person I saved and realized it was the Joker. The man my so called father despised.

"Are you okay sir"? I was actually worried. He didn't look okay.

" y-yes. Thank you for saving me". I smiled at him. He may be a criminal, but, we all have to live our lives and not let them go to waste just like that.

"No worries. I couldn't let you get hurt. People like you deserve to keep on going. Even if others disagree. See you around Mr Joker sir. I think I'm late to class".

I gave him another smile and quickly ran into my class I had first.

No one's pov

Marinette entered her class and the teacher looked at her.

" Oh, you must be Marinette W-".

"Yesyesyes. I'm late and I'm sorry. Where do I sit"?

Marinette didn't want the teacher to say her name. She didn't want to get bullied because people wouldn't believe her and things like that.

" Oh, yes. We only have one more seat besides damian".

Damian quickly looked up after what the teacher said. He never liked anyone's presence at all. Besides Jon. But that was almost it. He didn't want anyone to sit with him.

"No, I don't want her to sit by me".

" Damian, your the only person without a partner for anything. And it's about time you start cooperating. So she's sitting by you. Plus, that would be her seat anyways since it follows the attendance sheet".

"Fine, just don't expect me to help her on anything".

" don't worry, she shouldn't even be here. She should be owning a business y now, but because she's under age, school is a requirement ".

Marinette walked to the back of the class and took her seat. Many students gave her sad smiles and some whispered good luck.

'this must be the Robin vigilante'. Was all she thought.

The teacher passed out a bunch of papers. And this was algebra 3 class. So all she saw were letters, a few numbers, many symbols and other weird things. But because she was taught from the best since the beginning and more recently, the answers quickly formed in her head and she solved them.

This was supposed to be an hour test. But she just finished in ten minutes and handed the teacher the pages.

" You now have free time Marinette ".

" thank you".

Marinette walked back to her seat and saw Damian still on the first page out of three. Then she looked around and they were also on the first page. She felt so out of place. But then thought about earlier today. She saved the Joker. He had a good aura. She could feel it. He was never bad. All he was doing was showing everybody what they would be like if they just gave up Batman's stupid rules.

So she decided on making him a more fancier suit. Still the same style but better and newer. He looked like he could change. So she pulled out her sketchbook and started on a simple draft. And then added the details. She pulled out a small variety of colored pencils and filled in the parts that needed color. And in the last five minutes of class, the suit was completed.

And it was fabulous.

Just to let you all know, Jon will appear around chapter 17, sadly, cause before even publishing at all, I didn't even think of adding him at all. But then I realized, if I ever was going to start publishing, people would want some sort of ship, so, yeah. Last minute changes, or something.

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