My Angel

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I skip over to him once the meal ends and together we walk to his room.

"Detention wasn't that bad" I tell him.

"Don't go getting into a habit of getting it angel. I can't say the same about my detention though." He says.

"What did you and Fred talk about?" I ask curiously.

"You, mainly. He went into a rather amusing big brother mode, telling me how I should treat you nicely." He laughs.

"Fred is a genius to be fair" I giggle as we get into his room.

Draco sees the blanket and for a second looks over at me confused.

"Did you put this here?"he asks still confused.

"I made it for you Sir" I tell him and he instantly scoops me up into his arms, peppering my face with little kisses.

"You're too adorable my angel! Thank you so much!" He tells me as I blush slightly. He goes to sit on the sofa where he then sees the scarf. "This too? Oh Sweetheart you are far too precious" he tells me.

"Thank you sir" I say quietly.

"You're so talented Sweetheart" he says wrapping the scarf around his neck.

I'm so awful at taking compliments that I just bury my head into his shoulder.

About a half hour later I'm on my front, sprawled out on his carpet getting some work done. He suggested that I use his desk but I'm comfier here.

He's writing letters so once I finish I just lay there still. I put my head down and begin to feel sleepy, practically instantly I fall asleep.

Draco's POV

"Have you finished your work Elizabeth?" I ask, just finishing my last letter and I don't get a response.

I turn around to see that she's fallen asleep on the floor. I laugh to myself since she's in such a deep sleep. I push my letter aside and see some sweets she must have put there. I go to pick her up and she still remains asleep as I lay her down on half of my double bed.

Luckily she already took her shoes and robe off so she should be comfortable. I leave her sleeping whilst I quickly go to the other room to get her night clothes in case she wakes up and wants to change. When I return I put them on the nightstand near her along with one of my jumpers.

I finish my letter then put her work into her bag, hang up her robe and put her shoes next to the door.

It's still early and I laugh a bit because I did say that she would go to bed early this week and the detention tiring her out made her follow these rules without me prompting her.

The Weasleys weren't as bad as I thought, considering what my father told me about them.

To be honest I'm not the happiest that she is that close to them but I respect that they're her friends and I'm not going to try and stop that. It also seems like they're very protective of her in a brotherly way. If I'm staying with her for Christmas then I have to be nice to them.

Then I realise that I need to do lots of Christmas shopping this week. I should get gifts for my parents and probably her family as well since that seems like the nice thing to do. She'll be able to help with that. I'll need to get her something too but she can't be there for that.

This Saturday I'll go to Hogsmeade to do some Christmas shopping. I never normally shop for it properly but she seems very excited so I should make an effort.

An hour or so later she begins to toss and turn and make little sounds in her sleep. I go to check on her to see that she's crying in her sleep. I gently wake her up and she looks up at me with her big eyes that are slightly pink and teary.

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