Chapter 16

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"We'll sneak attack them like last time. Half of us will take the trail hidden by he overgrowth and hide in the Twoleg barn. The other half will charge their camp. Aim directly for Wind. If she dies, we'll have a good chance at scattering her cats." Tall Shadow, the new second-in-command, said.

"They'll be expecting that." Lion Blaze said. "That is, like you said, what we did last time. We should all just charge in. We have numbers. We have them two to one. It can be like a massacre."

"Lion Blaze, I've never seen you like this." Fire Star said, fear laced in his voice. "You don't have to be like this. Even I know that we're too young to be talking about killing an entire group of cats."

"They should've thought twice before killing Holly Leaf!" Lion Blaze spat.

"Lion Blaze! That is enough!" Half Moon snapped. "These types of thoughts are unfit for any kit!"

Jayfeather studied Lion Blaze. He hardly looked like a kit. His pelt was muscular, due to all his hours of training. His face no longer had the look of a kit- he looked like a new warrior now. If he had been a stranger, he would've assumed that Lion Blaze was nearly fully grown,.

So that's it? I've ruined my only chance at being a father?

"You think I'm a kit? I'm 7 moons old now! Two moons have passed since Wind's visit! I'm ready for the challenges ahead of me, Half Moon!" Lion Blaze sprang to his feet, his eyes alive all of a sudden.

"You have no right to speak to me like that." Half Moon snapped. "And you will call me Stoneteller, like any other cat!"

Half Moon rushed them out of her den.

"Get out! Go do something useful!"

Jayfeather remained. He wanted to speak to Half Moon.

"Half Moon, I know that you said you're fine training two apprentices, but I was thinking, maybe I could take Jay's Flight as my apprentice." The real reason Jayfeather wanted to mentor Jay's FLight was because he wanted to reconnect his relationship with at least one of his kits. Fire Star barely talked to him anymore. Lion Blaze wouldn't even acknowledge her existence. And Jay's Flight was always busy training with Storm to become a Healer.

Half Moon scoffed.

"Jay's Flight? Your apprentice? Nah. You can take Storm."


And just like that, Jayfeather was stuck with a new apprentice.


"There are loners incoming!" Shattered Ice called.

Jayfeather and Half Moon rushed out to the border to meet them.

"Please help us! We've heard that you can fight!" There were about three of them. They all looked like they were still kits.

"What do you need?" Half Moon asked gently.

"There's been another group of jerks that are terrorizing our homes! They're stealing a flower from us. Our owners worked hard for those flowers! So we tried to stop them, and they attacked us! Now the entire neighborhood is in a fight with them! They really know how to fight, and we've been helpless! I'll do anything, please help us!" The youngest of the three threw herself forwards, nearly begging.

Jayfeather read the she-cats mind. He saw the image of a herb that looked very similar to catmint, being snagged away by a she-cat. With the she-cat was a tom that looked very similar to Gorse.

So Wind's cats were starting to steal herbs from the Twolegplace.

Why isn't Wind there if Gorse is there? And why are they taking down an entire population of kittypets? Couldn't they just go somewhere else? It's not necessary to do that.

Then Jayfeather knew the answer. Cats took extreme measures when they were desperate. And the only reason they would be that desperate would be if several of their cats had severe whitecough or greencough. And the only reason Wind wasn't participating in the collection for catmint would have to be because...

Wind herself has severe greencough! This is our chance!


Smokeblaze woke in a peaceful meadow, full of tall trees and blossoming flowers. She looked around, gasping when she saw the brown she-cat from before.

"Who are you?" Smokeblaze asked.

"I'm the first cat of StarClan." The she-cat said. "My name is Fluttering Bird."

"You're just a kit!" Smokeblaze said. "You couldn't possibly be the first cat of StarClan!" 

"This kit is the one who gave you your powers." Fluttering Bird snapped. 

"You gave me my powers?" Smokeblaze asked.

"I gave Lionblaze his powers. I gave Dovewing her powers. I gave Jayfeather his powers, and yes, I did give you your time-manipulating powers. I expected for three cats to be enough. But once Jayfeather stayed behind, it was hopeless. I had to somehow bring Jayfeather back without interfering directly myself. So, I bestowed you with your powers."

"Giving a cat time manipulating powers doesn't count as interfering?" 

"I'm giving you powers that you will have to figure out by yourself. And those powers will be very hard to control. So, yes. It doesn't count as indirectly interfering."

"What did you mean when you said I would have consequences if I used my powers too much?" Smokeblaze asked. "It's what you said to me before I passed out." 

"Your powers are the strongest out of the Four." Fluttering Bird explained. "And I have to put restrictions on your powers. If the most humble cat was given such extraordinary power, they would eventually abuse that power. So, there will be rules as to how you can use your power." 

"What are those rules?" Smokeblaze asked.  

"It wouldn't be very fun if I told you those restrictions, wouldn't it?" Fluttering Bird gave a high, childish laugh. "You'll learn better through experience." 

"Experience? Experience my bu-" 

Smokeblaze felt a powerful force push her away from Fluttering Bird. She tried to scream out, but she couldn't. She could feel herself going back to consciousness..." 


ye hi so this story is kinda dead but whatever, im still updating it lol. thx to anyone who's viewed it! 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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