Meanwhile, In another universe...

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"Your a bit late."

"You sound like rabbit, you know We can't all be everywhere at once."

"Well, a letter might've been nice."

"I was gone for less than two hours. What happened Alice?"

"Okay, I know what it looks like. But here's the good news." Alice said.

"Okay, here we go."

Mirrors covered in webs shows reflections of Spider-Tsundere, Ero, Spider-Rose, Kid Arachnid, Funnel Web and Spider-Strike. "The multiverse didn't collapse." Alice explained.

" That's a relief."

"Little touch and go. But it worked out." Alice said as the mirror shards shows Spider-Tsundere.

"Great story. BTW, did hatter finish the goober?"

"It's not a goober, its a gizmo." Alice pointed out as a device was finished.

"Do you always have to call me out?" A guy said. "It's just really frustrating and bums me out."

"Don't get excited, Arthur. Its just a prototype." Alice said.

"I'm not excited." Arthur said as the gizmo goes on his wrist. " And your sure this thing wont burn me or make me half machine?."

"Relax Arthur, i made sure hatter didn't tamper with it more than he was supposed to. But think about it, you could be the first person to make an autonomous multiverse jump." Alice said. "Or the last."

"So we're just gonna roll the dice on this? Sounds like an adventure" Arthur asked.

"So, what do you say Arachnid? Where do you want to go first?" Alice asked as she uses Arthur's codename.

"So, what do you say Arachnid? Where do you want to go first?" Alice asked as she uses Arthur's codename

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"Let's start at the beginning one last time." Arachnid said. "Earth 132."

Earth 132

A young girl named Rose Hunter, was minding her own business as she was at central park playing her portable game, until her spider-sense went off, and she presses her vibrainium bracelet and transformed into her superhero identity, The serenade Star Spider.

A young girl named Rose Hunter, was minding her own business as she was at central park playing her portable game, until her spider-sense went off, and she presses her vibrainium bracelet and transformed into her superhero identity, The serenade S...

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Her costume is made with vibrainium nanites, and swings to see where her spider-sense tingled and sees some muggers trying to steal break into someone's car and tries to kill him. Star Spider drops down and managed to fight them off. She uses her punches to knock out the first one and the second one, she roundhouse kicks them. The man in the car thanked her as he leaves.

Just then... Star Spider a portal opening in the sky. And someone droped down from the portal. "What the? Who are you?" She said as she points at the guy.

"I'm Arachnid. A superhero from another dimension." Arachnid introduced himself. "I need you to come with me." He said as he points at Star Spider.

" He said as he points at Star Spider

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The End.

Web Warriors: Into the Spider-Verse ReduxWhere stories live. Discover now