1. At the Père-Lachaise cemetery

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Newt stared at the silver vial his wounded niffler brought him. A tiny thing, but it didn't feel that tiny... His thoughts raced through his mind. He knew this was an important relic to Grindelwald, because he had seen him wear it on his jacket like an earned medal of war. But what could it be?

Theseus stood next to him, apparently in utter dispair after what happened to Leta. He wiped his face to remove some tears, then shifted his attention to Newt. He stared baffled at Newts hand. "What have you got there, brother?" he asked with a hoarse voice, still filled with grief. He also felt this could be an object of significance. "It looks important to at least someone". 

Newt looked at his older brother, who still was trying to fight back the tears and to act strong and logic again. "My niffler apparently took it from Grindelwald. It must have done so when he kneeled down beside the killed witch", Newt replied. "Quite an extraordinary act of a beast he considers of no interest", he added. "But what is it, and what to do with it?" They both looked curiously at the silver object.

The first thing that came to Newts mind was to ask Dumbledore. He probably would know. "Theseus..." Newt said softly and looked again at his brother. "What if the Ministry doesn't have to know yet we have this vial? What if I have the chance to talk to Dumbledore first? I trust he knows more about this." "Dumbledore is also my first choice," Theseus replied, "for he told me the right thing to do tonight at the rally. I bet he has more to add to the Grindelwald case. The Ministry will be hesitant to involve Dumbledore, but I will try to convince Travers to visit Hogwarts again..."

Then Theseus' face flushed again with horror, anger and grief over the loss of Leta. "Grindelwald must be caught, Newt. He really has to pay for this.....he took Leta away from me and also killed some aurors tonight... I will not rest until he is on trial for his actions, ....or dead", he said. Tears started filling his eyes again.... Newt tucked the niffler away in his coat. He would take care of the creature later, its injury didn't seem severe. He already had made a quick examination to make sure the niffler was allright. And that's how he coincidentally found the vial in its pouch.

Newt stepped closer to his brother and hugged him again. "I am so very sorry about Leta, brother", Newt whispered. "Please know you are not alone. I told you I've chosen my side". The brothers loosened their grip to look into each other's eyes. "You know.... he took more than just Leta", Newt continued. "Credence was persuaded to join his side, and so was Queenie.... Tina's sister....We have to track them down. For their sakes, and for the sakes of the ones who love them. I will stand by your side, brother."

Theseus looked at Newt and gave him a grateful nod. He was very happy to have his independent brother close to him. They had never been close, never had much in common. They even annoyed each other with their different point of views and things they considered important in life. But he felt Newts choice of loyalty was also an opportunity to be closer to him. A chance to be real brothers to each other. He needed it, especially now, especially when Leta....

Theseus wiped away his tears and straightened his back. With a sigh he said "Come on, we have to search for the others. I hope everyone managed to stand their ground without injuries," and he reached for Newts arm. They apparated to the spot Flamel had encountered them earlier to fight the protego diabolica curse Grindelwald had raised in the Lestrange family tomb at the cemetery.

The others already found each other after the curse was broken. They felt depressed and sad, and tried to seek some comfort in being together. They were also worried, for Newt and Theseus were nowhere to be seen yet.

The first thing Newt and Theseus saw when they apparated was an extremely relieved Tina, holding a dishevelled Nagini in her arms. "There you are..... thank goodness.... we all worried you got injured.... or worse... it took you so long to come back..." she said while looking at Newt and holding his gaze. Then she smiled shyly. He returned her look and smile. "We're all right" he replied. "But how are you?" he asked while he looked anxiously around. "Are you hurt?" He saw Flamel comforting Jacob, who was in tears and sat on the ground. Yusuf stood beside them with a beaten look on his face. "There are a lot of injuries here, mostly injuries of the heart and soul. So come, let's not stay here. Let's ease them a bit by having some tea at my place, and then take some rest. There is nothing we can do about Grindelwald tonight. And you all need some food and a place to recover", Flamel continued.

They all looked grateful and relieved at the ancient wizard. Theseus however informed them he couldn't come. "I have to go back to the French Ministry, to report about tonight. Then he looked at Newt. "I'll meet you there tomorrow morning at ten o'clock?" Newt nodded. And with an affirmative nod Theseus disapparated. The others gathered and took the arm of Nicholas Flamel. Within seconds they apparated to his house.

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