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1 week later....

You shouldn't ever think someone would ever change after just one encounter with a person.

And my reasoning for this is Jackson.

The one and only Jackson went back to being, his jerk of a dick self but now it's at an all-time high. He yells at me, ask me to do things while I'm already doing things, puts me in situations that I have nothing to do with, and tries to avoid eye contact with me at all hours of the day.

And guess what?
This ass-hat is doing it right now.

"Apollo" he yelled walking towards the bar.

" oh my lord Ruri, please cover for me I can't deal with him today" I said turning to her fast

" bitch where you going to go?"

" I'm duck down to the floor, just so he can't see me" I said with a straight face

Ruri instantly burst out laughing, but agreed during her giggles

She turned back around faced Jackson and spoke " hey she's not here right now"

"What are you talking about , I just saw her"

" yah she had to dip right quick, she'll be back soon"

" oh really, did she?" Jackson retorted

Next thing I knew, Jackson was leaned over the counter looking down at me.

"What are you doing Apollo"(fuck)

"Oh—uh-uh....nothing" standing to my feet again

"While your trying to hide from me, their more important matters at hand"

"Like what" Ruri and Jackson looked so surprised and it dawned on me that I didn't say it in my head.

" excuse me" he said, mad as hell

"Uh I mean, Um... what happened" trying to avoid his intense eye contact.

"How about you, follow me to my office"

"Sure" I stated. He soon walked away. "I'm so getting fired Ruri. How am I'm going to pay my bills. Uhhhh I hate it here now"

"Just relax and go an see first" she spoke rubbing both of my shoulders before pushing from behind the bar.

When I walked into Jackson's office, the atmosphere was thick. He sat so patience with a hard gazing on me, my ass and stomach were close to touching.

I sat down crossed my legs and played with my fingernails waiting for Jackson to speak.

" so what's the problem Apollo"

" nothing I'm fine, what about you?"

" I'm great, but I can't help to think your bothered by me all of a sudden"

" All of a Sudden?" Looking up at him " every since the first time we spoke last week, you've been acting like a jerk, what's your problem" Resting my hands on my lap

"Sorry, I didn't know you felt that way"

"Well I do and you just keep making it worse and if your going to fire me reconsider cause I really need this job"

"No I'm not going to fire you"

"Ok then may I go now?" Looking into his intoxicating greenish-blue eyes once again.

He just stared at me, not saying a word, not breaking I contact, not moving a muscle. It was like time was frozen between us, an not one of us dared to disturb it.

That was until Marcy barged in. Jackson looked away first blinking a few times trying to process what happened. And once she sat onto his lap all his focus left me and switched to her.

I rose up quickly walking towards the door, grabbing the knob, and opened it slightly while glancing back towards him.

Surprisingly, Jackson stared at me to with a droopy glance showing that he was sorry about Marcy's impoliteness.

I plastered a small smile on my face before walking out, closing the door behind me.

As I reached Ruri at the bar, her smile dropped from her face once she realized tears were scattering down my cheeks uncontrollably.

" what's wrong Polly" she said pulling me into her embrace

" we had a moment, it was so rare and intense, and it was a type of moment you feel once in your life, like it your heart and soul, but one Marcy walked in everything was sucked away" Crying on her shoulder

" I'm so sorry, sweetie let's wiped these tears, and get back to work no man should ever make you cry like this until his giving you some good dick "

"Hahaha" we giggled

"You always know, how to cheer me up I love you sweet-cakes" hugging her tighter before walking back towards the bar

"Love you to hoe"

Just wanted to say the (parentheses) well be the characters inner thoughts so know one gets confused

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