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I don't know if I ever mentioned it to you guys that I am not an only child, I am just on my own. My family didn't want me to move to New York but it was my dream to live in the big city.

The life, The lights, the people, the overcrowding, everything Is what I loved about New York.

My parents always wanted me to live at home when I graduate high school and to stay in state for college, but I always wanted to be independent.

And it sucks where independence got me.

Now my two older brother and sister are in town and I know they're going to go tell mom and dad about me being affected I'll be coming through worlds biggest disappointment and honestly I don't know if I could handle the lecture this time.

" hey guys what are you doing here" I said wiping my tears. You guys might take that these are happy tears because it's been so long since I've seen my brother and sister, but honestly these are sad tears because I'm in a place in my life we're it's a disappointment not a achievement.

"We came to see you Polly" Charlie said

" Charlie I'm fine you guys didn't have to come and see me"

" you're not fine Polly, you called me last night and told me you got evicted how is that fine" the bass in his voice getting slightly louder

" it's fine because I said it's fine" I spoke my voice becoming louder

" how do you I think mom and dad feel right about now? Huh?"

"I don't know I don't care, they're never there to help me so why should I care"

" nothing as big as this has ever happened so what are you talking about Polly" he said stepping back to get a better look at me.

"Ok." I saw crossing my arms and avoiding his eye contact

As I looked over to the side I noticed Jackson was still standing there watching the whole scene take place It was quite embarrassing.

He looked at me with petty, although tried to hide so I wouldn't notice it, it was far late for that.

A few seconds later, I couldn't father this feel inside, my left arm went number, my eyes grew blurred as wizzy, and I breathing hysterically, I closed my eyes, hoping that it may stop this intense manner, but after a few more seconds I dropped to the floor.

My brother and sister were alarmed by this because this only happened twice before so for to happen right now confuse them tremendously.

Next thing I know Ruri rushed over towards me sat down in front of me and pulled me into her chest. She's screaming at everybody to give me space because she knows how feels for things like this to happen.

Her Younger sister went through stages like this when we are back home. She always knew that giving the person space and making sure they are planted on there side was the best way for them to breathe

But I wasn't getting better.

I was shaking uncontrollably and the last thing I heart Ruri scream was..

" somebody called the ambulance right now!" She screamed " NOW!!, what are y'all waiting for?"

Before I blacked out completely I watch Paisley pull out her phone and call 911.


Open my eyes slowly I see that I'm in a hospital bed. Everybody was spread out in my hospital room sleeping either on the floor or on the couches together. My parents were there too which surprised me they've never flown out to see me since I've moved here. They've only answered my calls a handful of times which broke my heart on some days but made me say that parents aren't always going to be there for you. As I look to the left Ruri we are slowly opening her eyes and she seen that I was finally awake.

" hey pumpkin you're finally up" she said standing while kissing my forehead

" yeah I'm so tired, what's going on" I whispered my throat was sore and dry so all I could do is whisper

" I think it's better if your parents tell you" she said Waters playing at the bridge of her eyes

" huh?... why? I want you to tell me" I said pleadingly. I rose up slightly become more focused on the words that were about to come out her mouth

"Sweetie, you have cancer, and you have a seizure today at the bar, that's why you're in the hospital right now" she spoke tears running down her cheeks and dropping her head

" I know"

" you know? What do you mean do you know" she said lift her head to look at me when a confused expression on her face

" I found out about five months ago and I've been too scared to tell you"

" HOW COULD YOU KEEP THAT FROM ME IM YOUR BEST FRIEND APOLLO" she yelled causing everyone in the room to wake up

"I'm sorry I didn't know how to tell you, I didn't want you to have pity on me"

"Pity? I would never pity you I would be their for you, but you we're too selfish to think about anybody but yourself" she said grabbing her belongs

"Hey, what's going on what happened" my Charlie said

" ask Apollo, you guys are in for an ear full" Ruri stated before exiting the hospital room

Watched as the door closed behind her, my heart was slowly breaking I didn't mean to cause her so much pain I just didn't want her to feel sorry for me when I already feel sorry for myself.

I placed my head on my forehead laid back and cried a little until my mom asked me what had happened

" I know that I have cancer guys" I said softly avoiding their eye contact

" you're gonna have to speak up for us Apollo we've talked about this" my dad stated

I swallowed, and spoke a louder " I know that I have cancer" everyone stood there taken back " I found out five months ago and since then I've been getting treatment before work and on the weekends"

" how could you not tell us Apollo" Charlie said A tear falling from his eye

" I was scared and I'm still scared" I said crying harder "I'm not ready to go yet" I turnt over to my side letting my tears drown me while muttering

"it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair" repeatedly

Excuse the errors❤️ tiered up writing this chapter

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