Chapter 3- Hugs

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    Xingchen opened his eyes and saw Xue Yang, in cat form, lying next to him. He smiled softly and gently pet him, "Wake up angel," he whispered in his ear.
   Xue Yang woke up and meowed, he turned to human form and frowned, "What do you want?" He hid his face in the pillow.
   "You need to eat," Xingchen chuckled, he stood up and took the blankets off of Xue Yang. "Come on, I'll carry you if you want."
    "Fine," Xue Yang groaned, he was picked up bridal style and hid his face in Xingchen's neck, "this is embarrassing."
    "Why?" Xingchen asked.
    "First, I beg to you to be fucked like some needy slut. Now, I'm being carried like some damsel in distress," Xue Yang said, his voice nor face changing whatsoever.
    Xingchen looked down at him, "First of all, you were not begging like some needy slut. You needed help after repressing your heat, and I was glad to help. It was a necessity. And second, I like carrying you. I could've just threw you on my shoulder."
    "True, but it's still embarrassing," Xue Yang grumbled.
    "No it's not," Xingchen said softly, "I like to get carried all the time. It's fun and I like to be carried in cat form also."
    "Me too, but can we go now? My ass hurts like hell and I want some pain medicine," Xue Yang whined.
    Xingchen chuckled, "Okay." He took Xue Yang to the kitchen and set him down on a chair. He grabbed some medicine and gave to Xue Yang who took it gladly.
   "Thanks," Xue Yang said. 
    "No problem," Xingchen said, he pet Xue Yang's head softly and the man leaned on his hand. "You really like being pet don't you?"
    "Yeah," Xue Yang said, "and my ears too." His ears popped out and Xingchen giggled.
    Xingchen let his own white ears appear and put Xue Yang's hand on them, "I like it when they scratch the back of it."
    "Me too!" Xue Yang said, "It feels so good!"
    "Exactly!" Xingchen said, "I love it!" Xue Yang pet his ears and scratched the back of them causing Xingchen to smile.
     Xingchen got an idea and put Xue Yang's hands down, he leaned forward and licked Xue Yang's cat ears softly.
     Xue Yang shivered in delight but looked upset, "Why do you always do that?"
    "Because you like it," Xingchen said with a smirk.
    "I also like other things," Xue Yang said, "not just that."
     "Then tell me," Xingchen said.
     "I like hugging a pillow when I sleep, and I like keeping things clean. I liked it when one of my siblings played with me, and I hate fire," Xue Yang informed him.
    "Well you don't need a pillow now," Xingchen said smiling, "you have me."
    "But you don't hug me while I sleep," Xue Yang mumbled.
    "I will from now on," Xingchen promised, "I like hugging people in my sleep too. I just didn't know if you would like it or not."
    "Then hug me," Xue Yang ordered lifting his hands. Xingchen smiled and picked Xue Yang up, "Don't pick me up!"
    "Why not?" Xingchen chuckled. He held the man from his waist with an arm under Xue Yang's ass.
     "Put me down!" Xue Yang said trying to get out of the tight holds.
     "No," Xingchen said sweetly. He hugged Xue Yang close to him and smiled when the man relaxed and wrapped his legs around his waist.
    Xue Yang rested his head on Xingchen's shoulder and closed his eyes, "I was never picked up when I was a child," he whispered.
   "I'll pick you up whenever you want," Xingchen said, "and hug you while you sleep. And I'll play with you the way your siblings did."
    Xue Yang smiled, "Thank you," he said softly and kissed Xingchen's neck. He slept in peace while Xingchen rocked him in his arms.
    Xingchen went to their room and set Xue Yang down gently. He climbed in next to the man and hugged his waist, pulling him closer. Xingchen felt Xue Yang hug him back and smiled when the man hid his face in in his chest. He looked down and saw Xue Yang entangling their legs, he looked back up and kissed Xue Yang's forehead, "Sleep well angel," he whispered.
    Xue Yang smiled in his sleep and nuzzled his face in Xingchen's chest. He was finally at peace and happy. No more abuse or hitting. No more weeks of starving to death. No more nightmares and being scared for his life.
   Just peace.

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