Chapter 11- Baby

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"Xingchen...Xingchen! Wake up!" Xue Yang whispered as he shook the sleeping man violently.
"What?" Xingchen mumbled.
"I'm hungry, can I have melons covered in chocolate?" Xue Yang asked.
"You woke me up at," he turned to look at the clock, "four in the morning, to ask me for melon covered in chocolate?"
"Yes, there's no melon here and I want some," Xue Yang pouted a bit, "I didn't want to leave without telling you."
"Fine," Xingchen sighed, "let's go." The two got dressed and went to a nearby store. They bought some melon and chocolate and a couple more things Xue Yang had grabbed off the shelf.
They soon arrived back at the hotel where Wei Ying and Song Lan were still sleeping. Xue Yang began eating his melon covered chocolate while Xingchen sat next to him and watched.
"Why did you suddenly want melon? I remember you told me you hated it," Xingchen said, recalling past events.
"I did, but now it tastes so good," Xue Yang said.
"Do you feel sick or different?" Xingchen asked.
"I don't think I'm sick," Xue Yang said, "if that's what you're thinking." His eyes widened and he quickly covered his mouth, he sprinted to the bathroom where he knelt in front of the toilet and threw up everything he had just eaten.
Xingchen rushed over and rubbed the man's back soothingly, "Are you sure you aren't sick angel?"
Xue Yang looked up at the man, "I don't know," he said weakly, "but can I have some water?"
"Sure," Xingchen ran to get the water and returned with a glass cup. Xue Yang chugged the water down and stood up, he quickly brushed his teeth before going back to bed with Xingchen.
"Maybe I am sick," Xue Yang whispered, "I usually don't get sick so I'm not sure."
"Do you want to wait a little or go to the doctor's in the morning?" Xingchen asked, he stroked Xue Yang's hair and ears gently causing the man to purr in delight.
"Let's wait a little, it might be just something small," Xue Yang said.
"Alright angel," Xingchen watched as Xue Yang slept before he fell asleep himself.
     Xue Yang threw up a couple more times during the night but soon calmed down. He woke up cranky and tired, Wei Ying knew something was going on.
"Do you want some soup?" Wei Ying asked while Xue Yang lay on Xingchen's lap, holding his stomach.
"Yes please," Xue Yang whimpered. He felt like crying at the pain in his stomach from throwing up too many times.
Wei Ying nodded and went to make some soup for the man. Xingchen sighed softly, "It hurts seeing you like this," he said softly.
"It hurts worse being like this," Xue Yang mumbled. He sat up and straddled Xingchen's hips, he wrapped his arms around the man's neck and said, "It hurts."
"What hurts angel?" Xingchen asked.
"My stomach," Xue Yang replied, "and my head." Xingchen nodded and massaged Xue Yang's waist gently, he kissed the man's cheek and rested his head on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry I can't help," he whispered.
"It's fine," Xue Yang said, "it's probably just the flu or something."
"If it's not gone in a week we're going to the doctor," Wei Ying said coming back with a bowl of soup. Xue Yang got off of Xingchen and ate the soup slowly, relishing the flavors.
Xingchen nodded, "Yeah, I don't want this to be something bad and we don't even realize it."
"Okay," Xue Yang mumbled, "we'll wait a week then go to the doctor."

A week past and Xue Yang was exactly the same. He would throw up repeatedly despite not eating and would get strange cravings. He was also getting very sensitive, crying at small things and getting angered easily.
Xingchen was getting worried to death, so he decided to take Xue Yang to a hybrid doctor. They were waiting for the doctor to come back with the results of the flu test.
The doctor came in, "He's negative for the flu," he said, sitting down, "so he has something else. I need to take another test so can you please lie down on your back?"
Xue Yang glanced at Xingchen who nodded with a smile and laid down on his back. The doctor pressed on his stomach a bit and gave him an object, "Take this."
"This is a-"
"I know, I just need to make sure," the doctor said. Xue Yang nodded and left the room for a couple of minutes.
He came back with wide eyes, he gave the object to the doctor who smiled and gave it to Xingchen. "Congratulations," the doctor said, "you're 3 weeks pregnant."
"He's what?!" Xingchen asked taking the object, it was a pregnancy test. It showed the two lines for positive.
    "I'm pregnant," Xue Yang whispered. He turned to Xingchen who had a wide smile on his face, "I'm pregnant!"
    Xingchen stood up and threw his arms around Xue Yang, "Yes angel, you are," he said, "I'm going to be a father!"
    "And I'm going to be a mother!" Xue Yang pressed his lips against Xingchen's and kissed him softly. They pulled apart with tears in their eyes and laughed.
    "We're going to be parents," Xingchen whispered.
    Xue Yang leaned his forehead on Xingchen's, "Yes, we are."
     "I hate to break this beautiful moment," the doctor said, "but I need to state some things for hybrid pregnancy."
    The two men stepped away from each other and nodded at the man, "Go ahead," Xingchen said.
   "Xue Yang will have cravings like any other person, he will have mood swings, and he might end up disliking certain scents. He can't drink alcohol or do drugs of course. And he must be healthy," the doctor continued, "Xue Yang must not be doing anything dangerous or risky. No outgoing activities, but he can have sex every once in a while. But other than that you're doing well."
   "Thank you," Xue Yang said.
   "No worries, now go and get some rest," the doctor said gesturing to the door.
    "Let's go angel."

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