Chapter 12- Jobs

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    "Wei Ying! Guess what?" Xue Yang yelled with a wide smile etched on his face, as soon as they got inside the hotel.
"What is it? Are you sick?" Wei Ying walked up to them in hybrid form with Song Lan walking behind them.
"No, I'm pregnant," Xue Yang said, his smile widening.
"You're what?!" Wei Ying screamed.
"I'm pregnant," Xue Yang giggled.
"H-how?!" Wei Ying looked at Xue Yang's stomach.
"Me," Xingchen said, "I fucked him and I c-"
"Alright! I know how people get pregnant!" Wei Ying said covering Xingchen's mouth, "But I never knew you were one of the people who could get pregnant!"
     "Well I am! And I'm pregnant!" Xue Yang yelled, then dropped his voice to a whisper, "I'm nervous."
      "Oh honey," Wei Ying cooed, he pulled Xue Yang into a gentle embrace, "I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. You and Xingchen will be great parents and the kid will be healthy also."
     "Yeah, plus me and Wei Ying are here," Song Lan said.
     "What if my body can't handle giving birth?" Xue Yang asked.
      "Don't stress too much about it," Wei Ying said, "stress is bad for the baby."
     Xue Yang sighed, "You're right, I shouldn't be stressing out. But what if I can't do it."
    "Xue Yang listen to me," Wei Ying said seriously, "you are one strong hybrid, most don't even live for long because if abuse. You did, you also managed to get pregnant, which is like a bonus. You can do anything at this point, so just relax and enjoy your vacation."
    "Alright," Xue Yang nodded, "thank you."
    "No problem, now let's go get some food and just watch a movie or go sightseeing," Wei Ying said.
     "Let's watch a movie," Xingchen suggested, "I don't want Xue Yang or the baby getting hurt."
     "I'm not a child you know," Xue Yang huffed, crossing his arms.
     "I just want to be sure you're safe, being pregnant is a big deal," Xingchen grabbed Xue Yang's hand and led him to the bed. He sat him down and turned on the TV on the wall, "Just watch something you like while Song Lan and I go get the food."
    "No," Xue Yang grabbed Xingchen and pulled him down, "you're staying with me." He stood up and walked to Xingchen's bag, and took out a bunch of shirts and hoodies.
    He made a circle of clothes around him and Xingchen and laid down next to his lover. He huddled close to Xingchen and kissed the man's jaw.
     "Did you seriously just make a nest with my clothes?" Xingchen asked.
     "Hold on a minute," Wei Ying said walking up to them, "hybrids never make random nests when they're pregnant. It's always their mate's clothes...." he gasped, "Xingchen! You're Xue Yang's mate!"
      Xingchen's eyes turned wide, "I am?!" He turned to Xue Yang who was giggling quietly, "Did you know?"
    "Mhm," Xue Yang nodded cutely.
     Xingchen scoffed, "And you never told me did you?"
     "I did!" Xue Yang exclaimed, "You were just half asleep so you didn't listen."
     "No wonder I always liked your smell," Xingchen said.
     "Yep," Xue Yang wrapped his arms around Xingchen's waist, "and that's why we could smell each other from far away."
     "How long have you known?" Wei Ying asked.
      "Since I saw him," Xue Yang whispered softly.
      "You knew all along?" Xingchen asked surprised, "Damn, I feel betrayed."
     "No, no, no," Xue Yang hugged his lover tightly, "I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to hurt you."
     Xingchen chuckled, "It's fine angel, you don't need to say sorry."
     "But I hurt you," Xue Yang mumbled.
     "I already said that it's fine, don't stress about it okay?" Xingchen kissed Xue Yang's head softly and smiled.
     "Okay," Xue Yang nuzzled his nose in Xingchen's neck and kissed the soft skin.
     "You're going to be looking even better than usual," Wei Ying said, "when people get pregnant they smell like milk and they look like they're glowing, literally. And their skin is soft and smooth everything, so you're going to be very lucky for the next months."
     "Just as long as nobody notices it," Xingchen muttered.
     "It doesn't matter if they notice or not," Xue Yang said, "I'd be happy if they did."
     "What if someone tries to do something?" Xingchen asked.
     "Then I won't leave your side," Xue Yang said, "simple."
      "Alright lovebirds, I'm hungry so I'm going to get some food," Song Lan said, "who's coming with me?"
      "I'll go," Wei Ying said, "Xingchen won't leave Xue Yang alone."
     "Okay, let's go," Song Lan said and walked outside the hotel room with Wei Ying.
     Xue Yang shifted into hybrid form and led Xingchen's hand to his head. Xingchen smiled and scratched Xue Yang's ears gently. He heard him purr and chuckled, "I guess all hybrids are like this."
     "Yeah," Xue Yang mumbled, "it feels nice." Xingchen nodded and continued scratching the black, silky ears.
      "Do you want something to eat in specific?" Xingchen asked.
     "No," Xue Yang replied, "I just want food."
     "Alright, we'll see what Wei Ying and Song Lan bring then," Xingchen said, then sighed, "we only have a week left of vacation. After this we have to go and work at the office again."
"At least I get to work," Xue Yang said, "I never had a job."
"It's fun, but I get a lot of work," Xingchen said.
"What do you all do?" Xue Yang asked.
"Wei Ying is a scheduler, Song Lan is data entry clerk, and I'm a secretary," Xingchen said,
"So you all have pretty good jobs," Xue Yang commented.
"We need another secretary so you might take that spot, we'll be in a lot meetings also. Just be careful of who your boss is, some of them are a bit touchy," Xingchen warned.
"Alright, I'll be careful," Xue Yang said.
"Good, and if you ever want to quit just tell me and I'll handle it," Xingchen said.
"Fine by me," Xue Yang said.

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