Chapter 9- Tokyo

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"Xingchen do we have to ride a plane? It looks boring," Xue Yang whined.
"Yes, now let's go," Xingchen grabbed their backpacks and walked out the door with Xue Yang following.
"I don't want to go on a plane," Xue Yang stated.
"Too bad angel," Xingchen said as they got in the car, "I don't like planes either but we have to get on one."
"Why don't you like them?" Xue Yang asked.
"Too loud," Xingchen replied shivering.
"Don't you go in human form?" Xue Yang asked.
"It's still too loud," Xingchen said. He started driving to the airport, "I never liked planes in the first place, but I had to get on them often because of my owners."
"Why did you leave?" Xue Yang asked curiously.
"It's a bit complicated," Xingchen said, "I just had no freedom. It wasn't as bad as your life of course, but it was pretty depressing."
Xue Yang hummed, "Did you ever get out of the house and run around?"
"I did," Xingchen said smiling, "I met a lot of people. And I even got to take care of some kittens."
"How old were they?"
"Around a month old. They were adorable let me tell you, they would jump around and chase each other," Xingchen smiled widely, "I loved taking care of them."
"Do you want to have children?" Xue Yang asked.
"I do, I like kids and they always cheer me up," Xingchen said, "what about you?"
"I think they're annoying but cute," Xue Yang said, "I wouldn't mind having them around. I have the possibility of getting pregnant so I might end up having some."
"Wait really?!" Xingchen asked, his eyes wide.
"Yeah, you never knew that?" Xue Yang asked.
"No! You never told me!" Xingchen exclaimed, "Damn, I should fuck you more often."
"Wh-what?" Xue Yang turned a dark red and yelped when Xingchen grabbed his thigh and squeezed it. "Not now!"
"What am I doing?" Xingchen asked with a sly smirk.
"Don't even think about fucking me," Xue Yang pointed a finger at Xingchen.
"Fine, fine," Xingchen sighed, "I won't."
"Good," Xue Yang nodded and saw the airport, "we're here." He got out with his backpack and went inside with Xingchen.
They looked around and soon found Wei Ying and Song Lan. "Took you long enough," Wei Ying said, "we've been here forever."
"Stop exaggerating," Song Lan said, "the flight is in a couple of minutes. Let's go."
They got in the plane and Xingchen was sitting next to Xue Yang with a frown on his face. It was loud and he felt his heart pick up it's pace, "Angel, don't you think it's a bit too loud?"
"I think it's fine," Xue Yang said, "why? Is it too loud for you?"
"Yeah," Xingchen leaned his head back and closed his eyes.
"We'll be there soon, just hang on," he grabbed Xingchen's hand tightly and rubbed his thumb on the skin softly. Xingchen nodded and rested his head on Xue Yang's shoulder.
Around an hour later they arrived and Xingchen was tired. They went to a hotel and he was the first to hit the bed.
He was close to sleeping when he felt something crawl in his arms. He opened his eye a little and saw Xue Yang, in cat form, laying in his arms.
Xingchen smiled softly and pet the cat gently. He soon fell asleep with a purring Xue Yang on his arms.

Xue Yang woke up to someone stroking him, he opened his eyes and meowed at the person. It was Xingchen, "Good morning angel. Are you hungry?" Xue Yang turned into hybrid form and nodded.
"Can I have some coffee?" He asked.
"Sure," Xingchen walked to the coffee machine in the kitchen of the hotel room and turned it on. They waited and soon the coffee was ready. He was serving the coffee in a cup when Xue Yang walked over and kissed him gently.
"Thank you," Xue Yang said taking the cup.
"Don't mention it," Xingchen poured himself a cup and sat down on the couch with Xue Yang. His white ears popped out and his tail was wrapped around Xue Yang's waist.
"Do you want to and buy some food?" Xue Yang asked.
"Yeah, we should go when Wei Ying and Song Lan wake up."
Xue Yang nodded, "Okay. I'm going to go change really quickly and maybe we can buy new clothes later."
"Okay angel," Xingchen said kissing Xue Yang's cheek softly. The man smiled and walked away to get his clothes, he took off his shirt and turned to Xingchen with furrowed eyebrows.
"Do you know where I left my other shirt? The black one?" Xue Yang asked.
"No, do you need help finding it?" Xingchen asked standing up.
"Yes," Xue Yang looked through the bag again and found nothing. Xingchen walked over and searched for the shirt, he found it and held it up.
"Here," he stood up and pecked Xue Yang's lips. Xue Yang pulled him back by the collar and kissed him deeply. Xingchen smiled and wrapped his arms around the man's waist. He pulled away and chuckled, "Needy again aren't you?"
"Always," Xue Yang whispered, he put his shirt on and went back to the couch. He drank his coffee and went to clean the cup when Xingchen walked up behind him and hugged his waist.
"You look so pretty," he whispered in Xue Yang's ear.
"I bet I'd look prettier with your hoodie," Xue Yang said.
"Hmm you're right," Xingchen ran to the bag and took out his hoodie. He gave to Xue Yang who put it on with a smile.
"It smells like you," Xue Yang said.
"And soon it's going to smell like you," Xingchen chuckled.
"Maybe," Xue Yang shrugged, "I don't have smell as much as you do. I can smell you from a long way."
"I can smell you easily too," Xingchen said, "now go wake Wei Ying up. I'll wake Song Lan."

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