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Some things are never meant to be

The reasons may be unknown

but that doesn't change their fate.

Some things are just simply great

They have wonderful characteristics

That make us want them.

Some things are horrid in every way

Because they damage us physically

And scare us mentally.

Some things we chose to forget

The reasons reach the infinite

But we have learned from them.

Some things we wish to change

Because they hurt others

And then hurt us too.

Some things had to happen

We needed them to occur

So we could grow.

Some things should never be accepted

They embody every earthly evil known

The push humanity away from us.

Some things can never be understood

The reasons they happened

And why they hurt so much.

Some things simply exist

without purpose or truth

To take place in our world.

Some things make us who were are

Without them, we would not be ourselves

And simply be hollow shells.

Some things are us

We make them, they make us

We exist with them.

Some things are just things

They are present in our lives and world

They are just things.  

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