|19| 𝙱𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚘𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚝 ✔︎

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To say Rachel was pissed was a lie. The minute she saw the crusifixes drawn all over her room, every inch, every nook. She marched up to Harper's room where she knew Jason would be. Now, normally Rachel wouldn't barge into Harper's room unannounced, she was more sensible than that, but now she was too clouded with rage to even consider what Harper was going  through. So she slammed the door open, the door rattling as it hit the wall.

" HOW SCREWED UP ARE YOU!" She yelled, her face contorted into pain as hurt and sadness overloaded her. She thought her and Jason were finally becoming friends. Or if not, at least they could be civil and become allies.
But she was wrong, so very wrong.
" All you do is give people reasons to hate you."

Jason looked down as the girl to see if she was even the slightest bit phased but the girl stayed motionless. Jason furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the emotional teen with a red gem in her forehead. " I don't know what you're talking about?" He spoke as he he grew confused as to why Rachel was so worked up over something and that she was accusing him out of all things.

" The crosses on my mirror." She spat, as she glared at the teenage boy. Jason carefully moved Harper off of him. He had bigger issues to deal with than listening to Rachel accuse him of something he clearly didn't commit.

" I don't know what the hell you're talking about. I was with Harper the whole time."  He justified as he rolled his eyes at the girl.

Rachel's eyes turned red as well as the jewel on her forehead. Her voice grew demonic as she punched Jason in the shoulder. " DON'T YOU LIE TO ME!"

Jason stumbled back, he caught himself before he could crash into Harper, who, after hearing the ruckus turned slightly so she could see what was happening.

" That's enough Rachel. I don't have time for this shit." He spat. He turned behind him to check on Harper but she was already walking out the door. Jason grew worried as he hurried after the woman, he was scared as to what she could do. Especially in the state she was in.

" Don't you dare walk away from me!" Rachel yelled after him.

" Whoa. Hey, what's happening here?" Dawn questioned as they were startled when Rachel stormed after Jason. They were so distracted that they didn't see Harper quietly slip out of the room.

" Jason drew crusifixes all over my mirror" Rachel spoke as she blamed the boy for what she thought he had done.

" Bullshit." Jason said as he looked at her in disbelief. How could they ever believe he would do something like that.

" Jason, it's okay if you're angry." Dawn reasoned as she tried to calm everyone down.

" I didn't do shit okay? I was with Harper the whole time because if you guys didn't notice, she needs us badly. So don't come blame me for her voodoo issues. "

" What's all the drama about?" Donna questioned as she walked into the room once she heard all the shouting.

" Somebody drew crosses on Rachel's mirror and she thinks Jason did it." Dawn informed Donna, her hands resting on her sides.

" I know he did it." Rachel intervened.

" Cute idea with the bourbon bottle. Not my type though. I'm more of a sour mash guy." Hank said as he rounded from behind the kitchen counter before glaring at the boy. Jason only grew more confused as to why everyone was now suddenly blaming him. " You ever go in my room and pull that shit again, I'll forget what team you're on."

" Why Jason?"

Jason couldn't fathom why everyone was suddenly turning on him. And to make matters worse, he saw Harper was nowhere in sight. He didn't know where she was but as he stood there, every pair of eyes glaring at him like he was a monster. He wished she was here because Harper would have defended him regardless of what they all thought. He knew he was innocent, why didn't they believe him.

" I don't know what happened guys, but I didn't do it." He spoke. He was losing his patience and it took everything in him to not blow up at them. He was tired of their accusations.

" What about the picture of Ellis?"

" The orange soda bottle?"

" He did this to you guys too."

" Screw this!"  Jason dismissed. He was finally done with their shit. He needed to know where Harper disappeared too.

" Hey, we're not done here, kid!" Hank yelled.

" You people are insane! I've been with Harper all day alright. " Jason scoffed as he glared at them all. " You all are assholes. I don't know how Harper put up with you."

They heard the elevator door ding, all heads turning to Dick who strode towards them, a gun resting in his hand as panic coated his face. They all looked confused at the fear in Dick's eyes. " He's here." He whispered, afraid that any unwanted ears could hear him.

They all remained confused as Dick heaved a breath. " Deathstroke, here, in the Tower." He spoke, Gar who had recently joined them realised what Dick was implying. " He took pictures of all of us."

" Dick talk to me?" Hank spoke as he eyed the weapon in Dick's hand.           " What's with the gun?"

Dick didn't respond. Instead he looked at Bruce who stood to his right. Dick had been seeing Bruce everywhere since the incident back at the Plaza. It was all in his head but he couldn't shake the figmentation of Bruce Wayne that had stuck with him 24/7.

"Psst. Yoo-hoo. There's somebody missing. " Bruce indicated. Dick's eyes scanned each and everyone gathered around him. Jason, Donna, Kory, Dawn, Hank, Gar and Rachel. But his eyes widened and his heart dropped when he saw who was missing.

" Harper."


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