Its prada

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(Y/n) pov~
"Oh no gurl he my man and if you want him your gonna have't to go through me hunny." I laughed at the comment the character on my favorite show ugly house wives, then a door bell rang "Comin'!" I screamed as I walked up to the door to my house I heard a too familiar voice, oh. God."(Y/n)!" Grace ran up to me and hugged the air out of my lungs "H-hi....what brings you here?" I asked half smiling "Party remember." I laughed sarcastically "O-Of course I knew." ' did she even find out where I lived' "Great Lets go in." I smiled "Yay." I was surprised that she would catch on but who cares "Wow." Grace looked like a very happy puppy to see my house so clean "It's so...Small." Grace said nonchalantly "Ya' you know Uhh where's your bags?" I asked trying to change the subject "Out there." She said as a car pulled up to my house out of no where "Who is that?" I asked "Oh my mom." Grace opened the door stepped onto the porch and waved to a black escalade "Hi mom." She yells her mom rolls down the window "Hey Hun come get your bags." Grace nods and runs up to the car opening the trunk. Grace grunts as she removes the bag "Holy-" I cover my mouth as grace smirks "It's prada." Grace grabs her suit case with wheels on it and rolls it to my porch "Is it uncommon for you to see such glory before you?" She asked "It's prada." I chuckle as grace just rolls her eyes and grumbles "I know that." She says quietly as her mom waves us goodbye and drives us away "Ready to partay?" I asked as grace sighs "I guess." She says smiling a little as she walks in the door with her rolling suit case.

I'm having Soo many writers blocks but eh whatcha gonna do anywho any song suggestions anything at all any random things you wanna say comment that shiznit 😬

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