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I eagerly looked across the river, waiting for Graystripe to emerge from the thick forest.

Finally a familiar voice called: "Silverstream? Are you there?" I purred and swam to the other shore, my massive form slowed me down only a little as I hurried to Graystipe's side. I wrapped myself around the thick furred gray warrior, drowning in purrs as he licked my ears, "How are our kits going?" He asked, stroking my bloated belly with his tail. 

"They're great!" I purred, " Mudfur said they could arrive any time now." Graystripe frowned, and a worried look crept onto his eyes, "Then why did you come see me!"

I hit him gently with my tail, "It'll be fine! I wanted to see you one more time before I get stuck to the nursery with my kits."

Graystripe still looked worried but said nothing more about it.  We spent some time together, pressed together for warmth.

I opened my mouth to tell my mate I was going back to camp when I felt a cruel jab of pain, I gasped crumpling to the ground. 

I let out a screech of pain as another spasm shook my body. Graystripe was by side instantly, licking the top of my head franticly. Worry and anger shone in his yellow eyes, "Why did you come see me Silverstream! What wil I do if I lose you!" I felt blood pumping out of my body, something was wrong...

Through the haze of pain I saw a flash of ginger, Fireheart! I was still grateful to him for saving me at the battle with WindClan, not that it mattered now, I felt my life ebbing away.

I could distantly hear Graystripe yowling at Fireheart to fetch Yellowfang, the powerful spasms that had racked my body before were now only weak ripples.

A dark gray face with pale blue eyes appeared in my vision, I remembered her from the gatherings, Cinderpelt. She pushed herbs down my throat, whispering soothingly into my ear. I could feel her paws on my stomach, pushing the kits out one by one. Just before darkness closed in on me I felt two lifeless bodies put onto my flank.


A faint  moan of grief.

Pelts by my side, leading me to the light.

I was in the river, the place I loved most. I closed my eyes letting the current carry me downstream, I lazily kicked my legs to stay afloat. The water wasn't cold, as she had expected.  It was a pleasantly warm temperature... 

Silverstream's  eyes flew open. Warm? Right after leaf-bare?! 

She looked around, instead of the familiar banks on either side of her she saw meadows and woods filled with prey! She gasped as she saw stars glitter in the pelts of some cats hunting down prey.

Silverstream whipped her head around as she heard splashing coming from behind her. A cat had entered the water and was swimming steadily towards her. 

Amber eyes...

Silver tabby stripes...

Soft fur...

She gasped, this cat matched the description her father would often tell her about when she was a kit. "Willowbreeze?" She called tentatively, hope glowing in her blue eyes.

"Yes dear," Willowbreeze purred, reaching her daughters side. "I wish you were still alive!" Silverstream wailed, "Crookedstar talks about you often."

"Oh my dear Crookedstar... " Willowbreeze sighed mournfully, "My greatest regret was leaving him to raise you alone." She then looked at me, pride shining in her eyes. "I always knew you were a survivor, Silverstream. "

Suddenly a thought hit the silver tabby queen, "I'm in StarClan, right? Does that mean I'm dead?" Her mother's gaze darkened, "Follow me." she said, swimming to the bank.

What if Silverstream had survived?Where stories live. Discover now