|Chapter One|

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Sakusa and the rest of his team was on there way to Inarazaki's gym for a practice match. They had to take a bus due to the distance. Komori sat with sakusa in the very back of the bus. The black haired male was making sure not to touch the walls because of the germs.

Komori couldn't help but laugh at his cousins weird actions. Sure he knew he was a germaphope but, some of the things his cousin did were hilarious to him. “What are you laughing about!?” Sakusa said annoyed.

“Your fidgeting again.” Komori commented. Sakusa growled and ducked his head back into his hoodie. Komori chuckled and pulled his phone out and began scrolling through social media to pass the time.

*    *    *

“This guy is pretty hot.” Komori commented. Sakusa poked his head up from his hoodie looking at his cousin confused. “Who is?” Sakusa asked applying a bit of hand sanitizer. “The setter at the school we are having a match against today.” Komori replied.

Komori pulled the picture back up and showed his cousin the setter.

Sakusa looked at the picture in shock, he was amazed with the man's beauty

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Sakusa looked at the picture in shock, he was amazed with the man's beauty. He looked at the name of the account and wrote it down making sure his cousin didn't see. “Miya.Atsumu” Sakusa repeated the account name. “Huh?” Komori questioned. Sakusa shook his head.

*    *    *

“Tsumu! Get your ass over here! I got a question for you!” Osamu shouted at his twin brother. The blonde groaned and walked over. “Yes?” He responded. Osamu showed him his brothers phone. “Why is Kiyoomi Sakusa your back screen!?” Osamu shouted. Atsumu blushed fiercely.

Kita ran over to the twins to see what they were fighting over this time. He looked around the corner and kept a close eye on the two. “Answer me!” Osamu shouted. Atsumu began playing with his fingers. “He is hot..” Atsumu mumbled.

Osamu was at a lost of words. All he could do was started at his brother in shock. Kita went over to the twins and hit each of them in the back of the head.

“Stop bickering! Help us clean they gym so it at least looks presentable for itachiyama!” Kita scolded. The twins nodded and helped their team clean the gym.

Atsumu started mopping up the gym floors while Osamu grabbed the volleyball's. Their team just watched as they worked their 'Twin Magic'.

After Atsumu finished mopping he went into the storage room to grab some cleaning supplies. His phone vibrated, he opened the notification and blushed deeply. He went to instagram and checked his crushes bio.

 He went to instagram and checked his crushes bio

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Your all germs. Take a bath.

Follows You


Atsumu smiled and followed.sakusa back. He put his phone away and went back into the gym. Osamu was looking at him clearly aggravated. “Tsumu,hurry up! Kita says they will be her soon!” Osamu shouted. “Window cleaning. Now!”

Both twins began wiping down the windows getting the little bits of dust off them. Kita was laughing at their stupidity. Suddenly, itachiyama bursted through the doors.

“Hey, Atsumu! Osamu! Come on!” Aran whispered. The twins ran over to them and got in line. All the males in the gym bowed showing there respect. “Thank you for coming!”

*    *    *

Atsumu, Osamu, Suna, and Kita were warming up together and talking a bit. The plan was to play at least two matches then call it a day and go home. Atsumu hummed to himself mumbling here and there.

“Tsumu! I'm talking to you!” Osamu called. Atsumu looked over at him. “huh? Oh sorry, what?” Osamu groaned. “Did you take your pills?” Osamu questioned. Atsumu nodded. “yep!”

Suna looked at his boyfriend confused. “pills? You take pills? For what?” Suna asked. Atsumu sighed. “When I was fourteen, I think. I was diagnosed with an eating disorder. I take pills to I guess make me hungry so I'll eat.” Atsumu replied, almost a whisper.

Suna was shocked, he looked at Osamu who only nodded. Kita didn't look fazed at all. “so your saying, if you don't take the pills, you can't eat?” Suna asked. Atsumu looked down. “I can if I wanted to but, I wouldn't. I would refuse food.”

Kita stood up and reached a hand out for atsumu to grab. He got a hd of his hand and stood up. “lets win this game, yeah?” He asked the small group. They nodded in response.

Practice Match

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