|Chapter Two|

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Both teams went to there side of the court and began playing. The side which was receiving was Inarazaki. That meant itachiyama was serving. Just their luck, sakusa was serving first.

Kita knew just how powerful the males serves were from the games he watch. “His serve pack a punch,be ready for something fast and strong!” Kita called. “Yes sir!”

Sakusa served the ball with so much power and force, he aimed it right at Suna (who was in the back row). Suna received the ball but fell backwards because of impact.

Aran helped keep the ball in the court by sending it to their setter, Atsumu. Atsumu set the ball over to his brother with such grace. Osamu easily spiked it down only for it to be received by Komori.

“Sakusa!” itachiyama setter called. Atsumu was amazed at how strongly he hit the ball. The power the male used, Atsumu knew he couldn't hit it that strong but he could get close.

*    *    *  

-After the game-
Itachiyama V.S Inarazaki

•      •      •

“Damn it!” Atsumu yelled in the restroom. Osamu laughed from the other side of the door. “Dont laugh at me!” Atsumu whined. Osamu sighed. “Come on, today is Friday which means coach is treating us to dinner.” Osamu reminded. Atsumu gasped dramatically.

The twins ran over to the restaurant they were meeting at and waited outside on a bench. They had arrived about twenty minutes earlier than they were supposed to. Atsumu decided to text his crush. Sakusa.

-        -        -

Miya.Atsumu: Hiiii!!!

Miya.Atsumu: I wanna talk to you!!!

Kiyoomi.Sakusa: why?

Miya.Atsumu: I'm bored! ☹️

Kiyoomi.Sakusa: not my problem

Miya.Atsumu: lets play a game!

Kiyoomi.Sakusa: No

Miya.Atsumu: I'll leave you alone!

Kiyoomi.Sakusa: Deal.

Kiyoomi.Sakusa: what game?

Miya.Atsumu: The get to know you game!!💛

Miya.Atsumu: I'll start!

Kiyoomi.Sakusa: okay.

Name - Atsumu Miya
Age - 16
Birthday - October 5th
Favorite Animal - Fox

Miya.Atsumu: your turn!

Name - Kiyoomi Sakusa
Age - 16
Birthday - March 20th
Favorite Animal - Fish?

Miya.Atsumu: okay your new name is Omi AND why a fish??

Kiyoomi.Sakusa: I don't have to take care of a fish. And they are clean.

Miya.Atsumu: ...

Miya.Atsumu: how is this fish gonna eat?

Kiyoomi.Sakusa: it can drown

Miya.Atsumu: and I thought I was stupid.

-        -        -

Sakusa smiled looking down at his phone. He put his phone away and went back to cleaning his room...for the fourth time. He always cleaned his room a number of times whenever his cousin was going to stay the night.

Komori asked to stay over after the practice game they played. At first sakusa refused but he had forgotten about Komori's blackmail.

Sakusa shivered remembering Komori's blackmail. The thought of it scared him because he knew Komori had the upper hand. Sakusa groaned at the thought of his cousin teasing him about his crush.

Komori had found out about Sakusa's crush after the match, on their way back. Since that incident a few hours ago Komori hasn't stopped teasing Sakusa.(Over Text)

Sakusa heard a knock from the door and walked on over opening it. He was greeted by his cousin. The black haired male didn't waste anytime, he immediately put hand sanitizer on his cousin's hands. Komori sighed.

“You have to learn to relax if you want to date Atsumu.” Komori teased. Sakusa blushed. He started mumbling to himself, making Komori more satisfied that he pissed of his cousin.

Komori ran over to Sakusa's room and threw his pillows and blankets on the floor. “What the hell!?” Sakusa shouted as he entered his room.

Komori picked up the matress and threw it on the floor. Under the matress was a pizza box. Sakusa gagged. “I'm supprised you didn't see it sooner!” Komori said with an innocent smile.

Sakusa grabbed his towels and entered the bathroom preparing for a shower. “Dirty Fuck...” he whispered to himself. He got into the shower turning the knob.

Sakusa has always enjoyed lukewarm showers. Calming.

*    *    *

Atsumu and Osamu saw their teammates approaching them, well some of their teammates. Kita, Aran, Suna, Ren, and Hitoshi walked up to them. Kita smiled warmly.

“Coach is running a bit late, lets just find a table?” Kita suggested. “Sure” Osamu replied. The others nodded. They all sat down and began talking a bit. Osamu decided to tease Atsumu, just a little bit..

“So, tsumu...you and Sakusa.” Osamu started. Atsumu blushed. “What do you mean?” Kita asked. “He has a crush on him.” Osamu replied. Atsumu covered his face.

“That bitch better treat you right.” Kita growled. Suna bursted out laughing. “Hey! I'm not messing around! The bitch better treat him right!” Kita exclaimed.

Chit Chat

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