♪ P̶r̶o̶l̶o̶g̶u̶e̶ ♪

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This book is very old, so the writing isn't great

T̴r̴i̴g̴g̴e̴r̴ ̴W̴a̴r̴n̴i̴n̴g̴

Disease, Death


One week.

That's seven days.

And seven days; isn't very long.

Luke stared at the doctor, a blank expression on his face. He was a calm person. He never freaked out, he kept his composure, and he was very collected.

However, in his situation, even the calmest of people would be losing it.

But not Luke.

No, he's different.

Don't cry.

Don't cry.

Don't cry.

Don't- damn it.

A small tear rolled down the side of his clear skin, staining his cheeks with salty water.

Another tear followed it, except on the other side of his face. And soon, an entire waterfall was flowing down his face.

Luke burrowed his face into his knees, his tears drenching the hospital bed covers.

"And there's nothing you can do?" The usually cheerful voice of his mother was cracking. Her hand rubbing Luke's back, while the other tried to brush away the droplets trickling from her eyes which kept flowing.

"I'm so sorry." The doctor replied, glancing down at the teenage boy, who finally gathered the courage to look up.

Through his tears, the doctor's face was a blur, but he could see a look of empathy in his eyes. This probably wasn't the first time he had given such... tragic, news.

"It's been a rough past months for you both, I know. We're honestly surprised how long he's been hanging on. Most people would've been long gone at this point, but he's a fighter. It's quite amazing he lasted this long." The doctor explained, causing Luke's mother to burst into another fit of sobs.

"Ms. Haynes, if you would follow me, I have a few questions regarding Luke's stay in the hospital for the remainder of his life." The words pained all three people in the room. The yellow-eyed woman simply nodded before following the doctor outside the hospital room.

Luke reached for his phone that sat at his bedside table, along with an untouched bowl of chilli.

He hated the hospital, he really did. Since the day he was diagnosed, the place haunted him. But of course, with his disease, he had to come here quite frequently.

27 text notifications.

11 missed calls.

The notifications were all from his best friends. The band club.

Most of them were from Zander, his childhood best friend... And crush.

He glanced at the corner of the screen where the time was located.


They would be at practice right now.

Surely they wouldn't mind him calling, right?




"Hello?! Luke, oh my God! Are you okay?! After you collapsed at practice I've been so worried! I didn't sleep at all, are you okay?!" Zander exclaimed. Before Luke had a chance to reply, Zander continued. "Here! Let me put you on speaker... Okay everyone can hear you! What happened?!" He asked, as Luke could hear the others asking questions that he couldn't quite make out.

Luke paused for a moment. What exactly was he gonna tell them?

After a lot of debating, he decided on two simple words.

"Seven days."


"What?" Once again, it was Zander.

"Is that how long you're gonna be in the hospital, or what-?" Asked Milly. She was barely audible, Luke assumed she was far away from Zander.

"That's how long I have left."


Hey guys! I'm back with another book! I intend this one to be very short, only seven chapters (apart from this one) and maybe an epilogue.

Unlike my other fanfics, I want this one to be sad and emotional.

I started this because I randomly got this idea, and I won't be updating my other books until the release of episode 5, which I assume will be in about roughly a week. This should keep me busy until then, as I intend to do daily updates.

I hope you guys enjoy. I don't plan on spending too much time on details, and chapters won't be super long, like as I said before, this is just to keep me busy while waiting for episode 5.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed, the next chapter (which will be out tomorrow or the day after) will be a lot more JUICCCCY-

Until next time, bai!

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