A/N + Alnerate Ending

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Yay! This is the first book I've actually finished!

I feel I need to explain some things.

So, after Luke fell unconscious, Zander, donated both his lungs to Luke. In one of the previous chapters, Milly said "It was too late to donate a lung" so basically, at that point in the disease, Luke needed two lungs, as his body was too weak to function with just one.

Now obviously, giving two lungs means you would die, so nobody would do it. Except for Zander, as he was in love with Luke, and would rather die than lose him.

I'd like to thank you guys so much for your support throughout this book! I would've lost motivation if it weren't for you guys!

Personally, I was really proud of this book! It's the first one I've actually pulled through to the end!


Okay, I kinda feel bad for leaving you with such a depressing ending, so here.



"Luke!" The golden eyed boy felt two arms fold around him. The arms felt familiar, very vaguely...

The figure pulls away, as Luke is greeted by a bright smile and two violet eyes.

"Zander?!" Luke exclaimed.

"Hey." Zander smiled. Luke was in shock. He didn't know what to do, so he did the only thing he could think of. He grabbed Zander's face and pulled him into a kiss.

"What happened?" Luke asked.

"You died. You're in Heaven, but now we can be together!" Zander exclaimed, grabbing Luke's hands and pulling him up.

"I've waited for this moment for so long." Luke said, smiling broadly as he clutched tightly onto Zander's hand.

"Look, here, every house is customized to suit you and your soulmate. You and your soulmate are supposed to live in the same house, you're soulmate is determined by who you loved and clicked with the most in your real life, so... We live together!" Zander exclaimed happily. "Our house is so perfect! It's super big, it has a music room, and we have a pet puppy, Luke! A pet puppy!"

Luke chuckled at the shorter boy's enthusiasm. "Oh! And Jake and Hailey are our neighbours! They've been dying to see you!" Zander said, grabbing Luke's arm and pulling him outside the room. Luke is greeted by a large mansion. "This is our house!"

"Wow..." Luke muttered. He turned around, only to see the room he was in just seconds ago had vanished.

"This is it! We can finally start our lives together! I've been waiting to see you for so long! I spent most of my time watching over you!" Zander explained.

Luke stayed quiet, still looking at the large house and garden in front of him.

"Luke? Are you alright? You seem sad. Do you not wanna be my soulmate?!" Zander asked, sounding worried and sad.

"Nono!" Luke said quickly. "I just... Can't believe it..." He gave Zander a reassuring smile and softly kissed his cheek.

"Everything is so perfect."

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