✧I̶ ̶W̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶N̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶F̶o̶r̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶Y̶o̶u̶✧

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T̴r̴i̴g̴g̴e̴r̴ ̴W̴a̴r̴n̴i̴n̴g̴



Small drizzles of rain pattered on the boy's body, as he approached the grave of his childhood best friend.

He placed the bouquet of white roses next to the grave, freshly picked from their special tree.

He always thought the two would end up together. He really thought they could've, if one of them hadn't caught that horrific disease.

He remembered their last conversation together.

"I love you!"

"I love you too, Zander..."

"Never forget me..."

The boy sniffled, kneeling down next to the wet stone. The rain grew heavier, soaking his hair in water drops. It reminded him of all the tears the pair had in their last encounter.

"I'll never forget you, Zander."

Luke stroked the side of Zander's grave, a small smile on his face as he remembered all their memories together. However that smile was quickly replaced by small tears.

Luke's eyes scanned the words engraved on the tombstone.

Zander Wickham

Died from lung donation

"You idiot..." Luke muttered, the tears in his eyes growing stronger. "I still don't understand why you gave me your lungs..."

Luke sighed, pressing his forehead against the tombstone. "Not a day goes by where I don't think of you... It's been what, 8 years? 9? Still, I miss you... So much..."

"I love you so much, Zander. I know you would've wanted me to move on. I can't. I understand why you said you couldn't all those years ago." Luke softly chuckled to himself. "Remember when I got that disease, and I told you that we'd be reunited soon, then we could be together forever? I'll keep that promise for you, Zander. Just wait for me..."

Just then, the wind grew louder, forming a melody, and Luke could almost make out a sentence.

"I love you, Luke."

Luke smiled. He believed his soulmate was watching over him and sending him a message.

"Soon we'll be together, my love." Luke could still hear Zander's laugh echo in his brain. He remembered the time when the cold gravestone was his happy best friend and crush.

"I will never forget you..."

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