❆ D̶a̶y̶ ̶1̶ ̶|̶ ̶Y̶o̶u̶'̶r̶e̶ ̶G̶o̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶T̶o̶ ̶M̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶I̶t̶ ❆

1K 31 31

T̴r̴i̴g̴g̴e̴r̴ ̴W̴a̴r̴n̴i̴n̴g̴

Disease, Death


At this point, Zander had basically chewed off al his fingernails.

The group had basically given up on trying not to cry.

Suddenly, the door swung open, as the band club all darted their heads towards it.

The nurse glanced around at the kids for a moment.

"Well?!" Zander blurted, breaking the silence. "Can I see him?!"

"Mr. Haynes is in... Harsh, circumstances, but he's ready for visitors. No more than two, however. Too much commotion could cause a spike in the heart rate, which could easily be fatal." The nurse explains.

Almost immediately, Zander jumps to his feet. "I'll go." He says, pushing past the nurse and into the hospital room.

When he walked in, his heart nearly skipped a beat.

Luke laid there, gazing out the window, his skin an inhuman shade of white. Zander's hand covered his mouth, however that didn't stop the loud gasp from escaping his lips.

Slowly, Luke turned his colour-drained face towards Zander, before showing a weak smile. "Hey."

"Oh... Luke..." Zander whispered, approaching his childhood friend. Once reaching his bedside, Zander sat down next to the pale boy.

"Hey, Zan." Luke said, his golden orbs glossed over with clear droplets.

"Hey." Zander whispered, splattering a fake smile on his face while reaching for Luke's hand.

"You don't look great. Have you been crying?" Luke asked as his eyes scanned the shorter boy's red, puffy eyes.

Zander could laugh. "Have I been crying...? Have I been crying?! No, Luke, my best friend of 12 years is going to die, I'm perfectly fine, thank you very much." Zander yelled, his voice much harsher then he intended.

"Oh." Was all Luke managed to wheeze. Zander covered his face with his free hand, and began to sob into it.

"I'm... Sorry..." Luke said in a soft, guilty voice.

"It's not your fault..." Zander sniffled, his gaze finally turning towards Luke, two pairs of teary eyes meet. "It's this dumb world's..."

"Hey guys... Luke, how ya holding up?" The pair turned around to see a familiar teal-haired girl approaching them, closing the hospital door behind her.

"In my condition, good, I suppose. I never realized breathing was hard. Not until I got diagnosed. Then I realized... Breathing is hard." Luke said, a shaky laugh added to the end of his statement.

"I bet... Do your lungs like... Hurt, or anything?" Hailey asks, standing on the other side of the bed from Zander.

"Not exactly, it just feels like they're... Shutting down." Luke replies, his weak smile returning as he glanced between the pair. The smile quickly fades as realization hits him like a rock. He stares at the wall in front of him for a little while, leaving both Zander and Hailey confused, before he finally continued. "That's because they are shutting down... Isn't it?"

The two siblings exchanged looks, before Hailey looked back at the boy laying on the hospital bed. Letting out a soft sigh, she lightly stroked the side of his arm. "Yeah... It is..."

Luke, surprisingly, laughed. "You know," he begins, tilting his head, still staring at the wall. "Growing up, I never would've pictured myself here. Sitting in a hospital bed, my lungs shutting down. Heck, I never got to confess to my loved one..." Luke sighs, muttering the last sentence. He thought Zander couldn't hear him.

He did.

Zander burst into tears, leaning his head onto Luke's pained chest, soaking his hospital gown in the ombre-haired boy's teardrops.

Zander felt Luke's rapid and raspy breathing, as the teenage boy was struggling to pump oxygen into his blood.

The taller boy attempted to comfort his best friend by rubbing his back. However, that only made it worse.

It only reminded Zander that he was losing someone so dear to him. The one he loved.

After a while, Luke's hand stopped rubbing Zander's back. Curious, Zander looked up to see his best friend fast asleep, small, raspy breathes could be heard.

"Is he...?" Hailey asked, her voice cracking.

"No, you idiot, the monitor's still going off." Zander said, nodding his head towards the source of the irritating beep.



"Luke...? You probably can't hear me..." Zander says softly, clutching Luke's hand in both of his. "But... You're going to be alright."

"Zander..." Hailey sighs. She was well aware her bother was in denial, and she knew he would be for a long time.

"No." Zander says, a freakishly harsh tone in his voice. He glanced back at the sleeping angel...

"You're going to make it... It's gonna be hard, but you're going to make it..."


Hello everyone! As promised, I uploaded this a day after the prologue.

I decided I'm going to end every chapter with a quote. Keep in mind, none of these quotes will be original, all will belong to their proper owners.

I know this chapter wasn't interesting, but I have a plan!

Spoiler Alert

Each of the band members is going to get their own little chapter (Day) saying goodbye to Luke.

I'm away there are only five band members excluding Luke, and I have six days remaining, so one chapter will just be the band members talking among themselves.

Do you guys wanna see Luke say goodbye to Milly, Sean, or Jake in tomorrow's chapter?

I hope you enjoyed, until next time, bye!

One more thing...

I saw the teaser for ep. 5 (If you haven't alright, go check it out on Rosy's second channel) and it looks like I might be right! From the looks of it, Stacy will be a love rival for Zander!

I'm so excited for the release of the episode, I can't believe it's going to be on Friday!

Anyways, fr this time, bai XD

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