✣ D̶a̶y̶ ̶2̶ ̶|̶ ̶E̶v̶e̶r̶y̶ ̶B̶r̶e̶a̶t̶h̶ ̶I̶s̶ ̶A̶ ̶W̶a̶r̶ ✣

936 36 50

T̴r̴i̴g̴g̴e̴r̴ ̴W̴a̴r̴n̴i̴n̴g̴

Disease, Death


Jake fumbled with his jacket sleeve as he walked down the empty hallway, the musty scent of the hospital filling the air.

Jake stopped in front of the door, the number 409 carved into the dark oakwood.

He quietly opened the door, and peaked his head inside.

Surely enough, his friend sat on the hospital bed, glaring at a glass of water that sat on the tray that rested on his lap.

"Luke?" Jake asked, approaching the auburn-haired male.

His face lit up upon seeing the other boy. "Hey Jake!" Luke smiled.

Hailey was right... Luke's pale as Hell...

"Hey, you alright?" Jake asks, steeling down in the seat beside Luke's bed.

"Well, accepting death has definitely never been the easiest thing I've ever done... But I'm holding up." Luke says, placing the trey onto the side table.

"Why were you eyeing that glass of water?" Jake laughs.

"Oh... It's poisoned with medicine... Tastes like chemicals." Luke says, before looking back at Jake. "What's the point of giving me medicine if I'm gonna be dead in days." Luke pouts, crossing his arms and resting them on his knees.

"Maybe to keep your lungs going as long as possible..." Jake says softly, leaning closer to the yellow-eyed boy.

"Right... I don't even understand why..." Luke replied, gazing out to the orange and yellow hue, the large yellow orb rising over the city. In all honesty, it was quite a breathtaking view.

Such a shame Luke wouldn't be around to remember it.

"Hey... I just, wanted you to know that... I know we don't know each other very well... But you've always seemed like a really nice guy, and for that, I respected you. Since joining the club, I saw how kind you were with Zander, despite how bitter he was, and I was really looking forward to becoming your friend in the future." Jake says, gazing into Luke's dull, lifeless yellow eyes.

Luke weakly smiled at the hazel-eyed boy. "Aw, thanks, Jake. That means a lot. In another life, I think we could've been good friends." Luke says, giving Jake's hand a quick squeeze.

"Great friends." Jake corrected, as they both slightly chuckled.

Silence filled the room, as the pair admired the sunrise.

"You know, I know you didn't like me much because of how much misery me and my friends put Zander through... And how much you care about him, and all..." Jake muttered, avoiding the other boy's gaze. "But I only did that to avoid being bullied myself, it was like a source of protection. I used to get bullied myself, for singing. I know that's no excuse for what I've done to Zander and Hailey, but-" Jake's interrupted by the other boy.

"It's okay, I get it. People don't bully for no reason. Nobody's that cruel, everyone has a backstory." Luke says, flashing Jake a reassuring smile.

"Thanks." Jake said, letting out a sigh of relief. He wouldn't Luke to die without knowing how sorry he was for his past actions.

"Hey... I have a question." Jake says slowly glancing at the other boy.

"Yeah?" Luke replies, showing Jake one of his signature smiles.

"Do you still like Zander...?" Jake asks hesitantly, not entirely prepared for the other boy's answer.

Luke looks down at his hands, which rested on his legs. "Yeah." He breathes out, barely audible. "I do."

"You know, it's not too late to confess." Jake says, his voice and eyes full of hope.

"No, it is. I don't want his last memory of me to be the desperate best friend, who was secretly crushing on him. I don't want him to hate me." Luke sighs, glancing at the sunrise.

"But what if he did feel the same way?" Jake says enthusiastically.

"He doesn't. And if by some slight chance he did, I'd only disappoint him once I pass." Luke says, Jake could hear the pain in his voice. "But hey, he'll come visit me before I die, and at least my last memories will be with him!" Luke says, his voice suddenly cheery.

"Luke, you don't have to stay positive. It amazes me how long you've kept up with the act." Jake says, a look of worry in his eyes as he gazed at his friend.

"What act?" Luke asks, tilting his head.

"Don't play dumb. You're not really okay with dying. No one would be. I've been that person before. The person who thinks everyone else's problems is worse than their own, so they mask all the pain they've been keeping bottled up." Jake explains, looking at his feet before averting his attention back to the other boy. "That's what you're doing, right?"

Jake anticipated that Luke would deny it, so he was quite surprised when Luke started to cry.

The auburn haired boy stuffed his face into his hands, as he broke into an endless fit of sobs.

"It's okay." Jake attempted to comfort him, by rubbing his back. "Let it all out."

Once Luke was done crying, he sniffled as he tried to brush away his tears. "Sorry." He said, adding a shaky laugh. "It's just..." Luke paused for a moment, staring at the titles that decorated the floor. "It almost feels like..."

"Every thought is a battle... Every breath is a war... And I don't think I'm winning anymore..."

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