♡D̶a̶y̶ ̶7̶ ̶|̶ ̶N̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶F̶o̶r̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶M̶e̶♡

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T̴r̴i̴g̴g̴e̴r̴ ̴W̴a̴r̴n̴i̴n̴g̴

Disease, Death


This chapter wasn't as sad as I wanted it to be-


"Alright everyone! Meet Zander! Your new classmate!" The teacher exclaimed, gesturing towards a small, purple haired boy. "You can go sit in an empty desk." She said to him, as he blinked up at her.

He shyly walked over to an empty table, while everyone was staring at him. He could feel the other students eyes burning into him from every direction. He knew he would struggle to make friends. He was the furthest thing from social, but he didn't expect school to really be this awful.

"Hi! You look lonely... Can I.. Sit with you?" Zander's head shot up, to see an orange haired boy with bright golden eyes staring at him, a giant smile splattered across his face. Why would this boy wanna sit with such a loser like Zander?

The purple haired boy glanced around, thinking this may be a prank or joke of some sort.

"Uh, y-yeah... S-sure..." Zander stuttered. The ginger boy's smile grew bigger, as he sat down next to Zander.

"I'm Luke!" He said.

"Z-zander..." Zander replied.

That day was unforgettable. Zander couldn't imagine how he would ever fail to remember it. That was the day he met his best friend... The boy he fell in love with.

The boy who was dying.

"Luke?" The auburn haired boy's eyes fluttered open as he's greeted by his childhood best friend, who's eyes are red ad puffy, but he managed to keep a grin on his face. "Hey... How are you?" Zander asks, softly stroking his thumb against the side of Luke's face.

"Zander? How long have you been here?" Luke asks, sitting up to realize his hand was entwined with Zander's.

"Since this morning." Zander replies. "You were asleep all day, I woke you up because I wanted to talk to you before... Well, you know." Zander glanced out the window, being greeted by a soft sunset.

The pair remembered the evenings they would spend watching the sunset under their special tree. It brought tears to both their eyes.

"Luke, how exactly is this gonna... Kill you?" Zander asks, clutching Luke's hand tighter.

"Well, my lungs are failing, so they can't pump oxygen into my blood anymore. So I guess my organs will just start failing..." Luke's voice was raspy, and his giant, beady eyes blinked up at Zander.

"Luke... Please don't go..." Zander pulls Luke's hand and holds it next to his face so that his mouth was pressed against it. "I need you... Please don't leave..." He placed a gentle kiss on Luke's hand.

"Zander... I don't wanna go either, but I have to." Luke replies, weakly smiling.

"Luke... You can't leave! I-I love you!" Luke's eyes went wide as Zander was now balling his eyes out.

"I love you too, Zander. You've been the best friend I-" Luke was cut off by the other boy.

"No, not like that, idiot! I love you like... Like I wanna kiss you right now!" The two of them stared at each other, both blushing madly.

Luke was the first to break the silence. "Then... Do it."

"W-what?" Zander choked through tears.

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