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807 36 44

T̴r̴i̴g̴g̴e̴r̴ ̴W̴a̴r̴n̴i̴n̴g̴

Disease, Death


Milly ran into the hospital room, crying the name of her friend.

"Hey Milly." Luke softly chuckled, but was quite surprised when Milly wrapped her arms around him. She usually wasn't the type for hugs.

"Sorry I didn't visit you sooner, I've been really busy and stressed these past couple days." She says as she pulls away from him, grabbing his shoulder and looking into his eyes.

"It's totally fine, I mean, you didn't have to visit me at all." He says softly.

"Hey, listen..." She begins as she sits down on the stool next to the bed. "If you had told us sooner, I would've donated you a lung! Heck, anyone in the band would've!" Milly exclaims, as she clenched her fists in an attempt to fight back the tears. 

Luke softly chuckles. "Why do you think I didn't tell you?" 

"Oh come on, Luke! Why do you have to so damn kind! I mean, people like me only cause mishap and chaos! You made the world a better place, it should've been me!" She says, as Luke could see small water bubbles forming at the bottom of her rosy eyes. 

"Milly, don't punish yourself for this. It could've been anyone. Quite frankly, I'm glad it was me. That way no one I love would be suffering, and-" Luke was cut off by the younger girl.

"Damn it! Of course you're glad it was you, but I'm not! I don't want you to go! Nobody does! And we're all hoping, and praying, that some miracle is gonna happen, and you'll come back to us, but you aren't coming back, are you?! Because you're an idiot, and you didn't tell us, so you've been fighting this deadly disease for months, thinking that all of our problems were worse then yours! Well, they weren't, Luke! They freaking weren't!" Milly yells, stomping her foot on the ground on frustration.

Luke's eyes widen. He had never seen Milly so... Emotional.

He saw a tear roll down her cheek, as her hand quickly flew up to wipe it away. "Y-you know... You were the first real friend I had." Milly begins, as she let out a shaky laugh. "I remember when we met... We were both late for class. You were walking down the hallway listening to some music. We liked the same music, so I told you I liked your music taste. We started talking, and you suggested I join your club." At this point, Luke was also tearing up.

"God, when I joined that club, I had no clue how to play the guitar. I wanted to quit, but you encouraged me to keep going. I met my best friends in that club, and my favourite hobby. All because you asked me to. I'd be a mess right now if we never met in that hallway." Milly said, as the tear stains on her cheeks were multiplying. 

"Milly..." Luke sighed, as he reached out for her hand and gaze it a squeeze. 

She turned towards him. "You were always like a big brother to me." Her voice was hushed into a whisper. 

"You okay?" Luke asked, sitting up in his hospital bed.

"I'll just... Miss you... That's all." She said, her gaze averting towards the floor.

"I'll miss you too, Milly." Luke said, weakly smiling.

Silence filled the room, so much so that you could hear the air blowing around, alongside the raspy breathes coming from both of the teenagers.

"Oh, right. I was gonna tell you." She began, finally looking at him as he raised an eyebrow. "The school is having a memorial for you soon, y'know since..." Milly looked at him hesitantly, as he nodded his head understandingly. "Well, Zander was supposed to make speech for you, since he's your best friend, and he's in love with- Uh- I mean, what?!" Milly nervously laughed, remembering the one thing Zander specifically told her not to tell Luke. "Sorry, uh, anyways, Hailey thinks he's in too much of a... Horrific, state, to make the speech. So, I agreed I'd do it. You've always played a big role in my life, bigger than you realize." Milly explains.

"Oh, I'm totally okay with that." Luke says, slightly disappointed Zander wouldn't be making the speech. Milly felt his sadness, so she quickly tried to cheer him up.

"B-but! If he's doing better by the time of the memorial, he'll definitely make the speech! Hailey said their parents are getting him therapy, the proper help he needs to... Well, move on." She continued.

She stared at him, as he fumbled with his fingers.

He turned his head to look at her. "Something wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing." She said, softly smiling. Fake smiling, of course. "I'm just glad I get this final moment with you..." 

"That's a fake smile, Milly. Let it out." Luke said, frowning.

Just then, the girl burst into sobs, hugging Luke a second time, crying into his shoulder. He folded his arms around her, tears forming in his eyes as well.

"Don't go, Luke! You can't go!" She sobs, her voice cracking. "I need you! You're my role model, my hero, and my best friend! I can't lose you..." 

"I'm... Really sorry..." Luke says, as Milly pulls away.

She rubs her eyes before turning back towards him. "Sorry... Ugh, I hate crying. It makes me look weak."

"Milly." Luke sighs.

"People cry. Not because they are weak, but because they've been strong for too long." 

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